Thank you for reading <3

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I'd like to thank everyone that's reading this for everything.
(I got a Lil question at the end so stay tuned)

Thanks for reading, voting, added it to you reading list and even supporting my book! FYI this is the first book I've published on Wattpad.

When I first started I was very enthusiastic and I wrote the drafts everytime I had extra time at school. I even skip my daily after school hangout to sit somewhere quiet and do the drafts. As time passed, I was very insecure because there were barely any response to my book, not even negative comments XD.


I went on a hiatus off Wattpad, Twitter and instagram due to personal reasons.

My other book, 
Forgotten Princess a book which I actual forgotten about (see what I did there) is getting updates again! I'm continuing the book as I'm bacc and better than ever.

Just wondering if y'all wanted a book with a specific genre?
Do you want a sequel? I honestly enjoyed writing this book. So either one would be fine for me

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