32 || ᴇᴍᴇʀɢᴇɴᴄʏ

282 9 0

Third person point of view

Few years ago

( Ukraine )

Ara was training in the basement for hours, punching the hanging sack. A familiar feeling of tiredness began to wash over her.

It's been a year since she left Vancouver. She hated leaving that place in a hurry without being able to say her goodbyes properly. All left now is the beautiful memories made with her friends, or more like, a best friend.

He was the best friend everyone wanted. The best friend  Ara needed. It was a shame she only got short amount of  time to spend time with him.

She remembered when she first met him. It was the day when she first arrived in Canada. The day after a tragic month. The day she finally found someone other than her dad to open up to. The day she first met Mark Lee.


Sitting down in front of the porch of her new house settled in the small town of Vancouver, staring at the road, grass and pebbles around her. A lone tear fell as she recalled the tragic incident that happened a month ago. The one that brought this drastic change to Ara's life. She left everything behind for a better life with her dad but she still could erase the memories she held.

"Um, hello there,"  a voice startled Ara, making her wiping her tears away quickly, not wanting anyone to see her in that condition. She finally looked up to see a young boy, about her age, smiling kindly at her.

'He looked like an asian though' , Ara thought to herself ,since she was in Vancouver. Far from her home.

"You look lonely, do you mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," luckily she learned English before moving to Canada. So, it was easy for her.

"I supposed you are my new neighbour, right? I live next to you, right there," he gestured towards their right, a happy looking lit up house settled there with a beautiful garden.

"It's a lovely house, " Ara complimented.

"Thanks, yours too. I mean, after some decorating of course.."

"What's your name?"

"Raven Kim,"

" A Kim?  Wow, are you Korean too?"

"Yes," Ara's voice was small but still audible.

"Really? I'm korean too. But I'm a Lee" he grinned widely.

"Minhyung-ah" a middle aged lady called out from his house. Most probably his mom, she thought.

"Well that's my call, gotta go. See you later Raven," he ran toward his house

"Wait, I haven't got your name!" Ara raised her voice, hoping she was heard by the latter.

He turned around one last time,

"Mark! "

before disappearing behind the doors to his house.

End of flashback

Ara smiled at the memory before hearing a knock coming from the door.

"Agent TK?" one of her aquantaince she made when she first started her training in Ukraine, was Bang Chan or Christopher, is an agent with the same ranking as her but from another alliance company, The Heist.

"G'day, mate?" Ara tried imitating his Aussie accent he usually has, but failed to sound natural. They chuckled together at her silly act.

"I'm doin' good!  What 'bout ya?"

"Things are just peachy," Ara replied with her normal accent.

"Hey,  that's not Aussie!"

However, the atmosphere was different went the door slammed open with Felix marching in, his unusual serious mood was on and it's scary.

"Sorry to break the tension but, I'm here with some bad news, it's an emergency,"


𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒:

Here are the explaination, in case anyone doesn't understand this chapter..

1. Kim Ara's English name is Raven.

2. Incase, you've not notice Christopher/Bang Chan is 'the guy behind the comm' in the previous chapter : 31 ||  ʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ᴜᴋʀᴀɪɴᴇ

3. And yes,  Bang Chan and Felix are from Stray Kids / Baby Photo.. Hahahah


If you don't understand you may refer to:
25 || ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ ʜᴀɴ

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝑉𝑒𝑛𝑧,

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