9 || Sᴏᴘᴇ

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"What are you doing here, Ara? " Yoongi ran to her. She was crying under a tree. She wiped her tears and face both Hoseok and Yoongi that were watching.

" Why were you crying? " Hoseok, Yoongi and Chenle sat next to her.

"It's nothing, my eyes were sweating. " she fake a smile. But both Hoseok and Yoongi knew that she wasn't telling the truth.

"But that's impossible, Ara"

"Suga's right. That's is impossible." Hoseok might be a hyperactive boy, but he was the smarty pants of them all.

She just looked away as tears threatened to fall again.

"Just tell us what's wrong. We can help you"

She wiped her tears again and face them.

" Hyebin and Youngjae called me a freak because I don't go on any of the field trips held by school. They said I'm a coward" she teared up more.

Hoseok hugged her and let her cry on his shoulder. Yoongi is not a hugging type so he just pat her head hoping that she will come down.

"Your not a coward, Ara. Hyebin and Youngjae is just jealous that you're smarter than them so they are trying to make you feel bad" Yoongi surprisingly laugh at his own statement. He did it to make Ara feel good.

"Yeah, Suga' s right . They are also probably jealous that you are friends with a sunshine like me" Ara giggled at Hoseok's statement.

"Thank you, guys. You guys always know how to make me feel good" she wiped her dried tears away.

"That is what besties do best " Hoseok beamed and Yoongi nodded.

End of flashback.

I can't believe that it was them. Suga and Hobi. I gave them those names. I have never seen them since I was 10. Which was the last time I have been to a public school. For personal reasons, I had to moved out. Suga and Hobi were my only best friends. They help me whenever bullies were bothering me. I missed them so much. As much as I want to tell them that, I can't break my cover. My eyes started getting teary.

I came back to reality when I heard someone yelling in my ears.

"Earth to Yura! "

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about a Maths question that I couldn't solve" I lied.

"Come on, don't lie to me. I saw your eyes. They were --sad" he gave me a sympathetic look. I wish I could tell you everything but I can't. I'm sorry Hobi and Suga for everything. I'm sorry for leaving. I blinked my tears away before the could fall.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I answered with a small smile.

"It's okay, but if you need anything, I'm all ears" he gave me his famous heart smile. I'm glad he is still the same Hobi I used to know. They warm and welcoming boy who's is also really sweet.

"Heyyo, Yura" Jiwoo came to our table with Ryujin.

"Heyy, girls come and join us" Namjoon smiled at Jiwoo.

"Hey sissy" Hoseok suddenly jump. Wait, sissy? Their siblings?

"Wait, are you guys siblings?" Ryujin looked confused.Did she just read my mind? Jiwoo just nodded her head at the question.

" I guessed I'm right..... again. What a small world we are living in" the group just chuckled at my statement. Yoongi as usual would just look unamused. Same ol' grandpa.


Sorry I made mistakes here previously. Sorryyyyyy y'allsters..

BTW if you guys are not fans (ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴏᴡ) and you don't know who is Suga and Hobi..

Well Here it Goes...

Suga - Min Yoongi
Hobi - Jung Hoseok..

This reference are for new ARMYS that are not familiar with their nicknames..
(I know some people that actually don't know their nicknames) well it's probably because they are new ARMYs
( Or they are fakeu fans *chuckles evilly)



Author's note

Please take note that this is a Fan fiction. So it has nothing to do with BTS from real life. Their personalities are not related to BTS at all.
The storyline is fully written by me. Plagiarism is a crime. If you want to repost it. Please kindly comment in the upcoming inline comment.
......Comment here.....
I'm just using BTS as the characters in my stories. I'm extremely sorry if my story offendes you in anyways.
Thank you very much for reading and PLEASE VOTE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

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