21 || ғʀɪᴇɴɢᴇʀs

487 21 0

BTW Friengers = Friendly + Strangers
(Issa word I came up with don't judge)

Before I start the chapter, I'm just wanna clarify that I'm not familiar with Korea's education system but in this story all the kids including Ara are 17 year-olds except for Jin (18 years old). That means they are all in their junior year and that makes Jin in his senior year. (I had to put him in senior year because Taehyung(his brother) is 17 years old)

New characters will enter and leave in few chapters. So, not all are permanent.

All point of view(POV) belongs to Ara. Except when I put another character's POV then it means changed of POV.

So, it will take time to re-read the whole thing and re-write some parts. Be aware that major changes would/could be done in the earlier chapters. To be honest I don't have a permanent plot, it changes according to time. Thank you very much. ♥♥♥♥


Going to school the next day wasn't a problem at all. The real problem is that I had no transportation. First of all, my dad left for work and I forgot to recharge my Mustang or add petrol in my car, and now they are out of fuel. Then, my phone battery died because I was busy reading Webtoon through my phone the whole day yesterday. Thirdly, it was impossible to stop a taxi in a midst of a quiet neighbourhood. Lastly, the bus service does not stop near the school. Hence, it resulted in me walking to school, by feet. Trust mewhen I say it's not fun.

Especially when you are walking on the sidewalks after it finished raining heavily. Puddles around you don't make it better.

Getting your shoes wet and also getting splashed at when ever a car passes by, running through a puddle. I don't even know if it's intentionally done or not. Now, my uniform is all soaked from the puddles.

G r e a t

I heard engines rumbling and brake screeching and braced myself for another splash. Instead, I heard a voice.

"Hello, do you need a lift?!" I looked to my right, to see a boy in the passenger sit in the car grinning at me. To other  people it's supposed to seem creepy, but this guy looks friendly and kind. Plus, he is wearing my highschool's uniform.

In the car were a few other boys in uniform too. There were four of them in total.

"Uh, it's nice of you but I think it's okay, school is not that far from here." I tried refusing nicely and walking away.

I really need to be careful since Han Jundo is a threat. Other students too may have been a threat. It was until he got out and stop infront of me, halting me in my tracks.

"Not to be creepy, but I insist you to come with us. I don't think you could last any longer out here in the cold with your wet clothes,"  Well he was right. Perhaps, he was just being nice.

"Okay then, thank you very much." I gave a smile in appreciation for their kindness. They looked harmless after all.

"No problem!  Come on, you can sit here. I'll sit with them in the back." he guided me to the passenger sit with a charming smile plastered on his face.

I buckled my seatbelt and looked at the driver seat to see a cute guy with an eye-smile.

"Hey, I'm Jeno," his eyes went back on the road after glancing my way. He drove down the street in a steady speed.

"I'm Kang Yura, " I gave my best award winning smile at the four boys.

Later, the rest introduced themselves. The guy that asked me to join them is called Jaemin. The other two cuties are called Jisung and Renjun.

"We have another friend, you should really meet him, " Jisung cheered shyly.

"Yeah, you should meet Chenle, "

"Chenle??". By now, Jeno had pulled up in the parking lot. We were right on time.

"So, what class do you have now? "Renjun asked me since he, Jaemin, Jeno and I are in the same year.

"I think it's Biology," Jaemin's and Jeno's  faces lit up. Renjun's shoulder slumped.

"Let's get going then," Jaemin took mine and Jeno's hands and started skipping towards our class. I tagged along although I was pretty startled by the sudden friendliness.

It was 5 minutes before class starts but we had already arrived. We decided to sit together and started chatting about random stuff.

"Yura!!," I looked up to see Ryujin headed my way. She squashed me into a bear hug.

"Oh my God, you wouldn't believe what happened yesterday!"

"Taehyung?" I asked in a bored tone. Probably because my morning was already ruined earlier.

"Yeah actually! We went out on a date!!," she was squealing like some love-strucked school girl. I mean, I'm not wrong.

"And you didn't bother to text me before or after that! " I crossed my arms across my chest and puffed out some air.

"I'm sorry! I was too caught up with hi- Oh Hi there! Nice to meet you guys! I'm Yura's best friend!" she finally noticed two to boys that were sitting there watching us, awkwardly. By now, the class was almost full with students.

"Never mind I'll just go to my class. I'm running late. Bye Yura! " she sped off to the hallways.

"A best friend that didn't notice or bother about her friend's mud-stained uniform ," I muttered under my breath watching her running late for her class.



Guys, trust me mud-stained-uniform day is the worst day of school..
You know it when you experience it :\

\( ö )/


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