47 || ɢ'ᴅᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ

194 3 0

Playing 🎶

"Yeah, you might say that it’s impossible

Stronger together, we’ll turn it into probable

And in the darkest shadows we’ll be shining, uh

So hold on tight ‘cause we KO every single fight"


"Kookie, are you wearing the shoes I gifted you on your birthday?"

"Uh, I guess so why" Jungkook looked at this feet, or at least attempted to.The metal chains restrained him from doing so.

"I never told you but I asked the company to install a tracker inside those." his eyes opened as wide as saucers.

"You did what? That's invading my privacy. How could you?" he argued back feeling utter betrayal.

"It did come in handy didn't it? Now shut up and listen to me first. If the news about us going missing reaches the company, Agent MB has access to the tracker in your shoes. Of course I asked her to install it. There is this device placed in the sole of your left foot. If you could take it out and activate it, that should give them a clue that we are in trouble." I explained to him how the shoe worked. Which in all honesty, I never knew it would come in handy.

"How exactly are we supposed to activate it when we are tied up like this Ara?" Jungkook sarcastically asked accompanied with the roll of the eye.

"You're gonna have to wiggle you way out. Aren't you an agent after all?" I spat back with the same amount of sarcasm.

"I'll help," Jimin offered, moving his chair to get closer to Jungkook. I glanced at Mark who had been really quiet and which really bothered me. I'm gonna have to speak to him later. Now I got more important things in hand to handle.

"Yoongi, you okay?," Taehyung looked at the latter worriedly.

The said boy, who was previously staring at the floor slowly raised his head till our eyes locked. He, somewhat looked out of the usual. 

"Ara. Kim Ara," he said what he needed to. I knew my cover was blown but I completely forgotten about Yoongi and Hoseok for a split second. The friend that knew me ever since I could remember. My eyes then trailed to the figure seated next to him,  Hoseok, whose eyes held the equal amount of dissapointment.

"Why did you leave us?"

"I couldn't stay. My dad brought me out of the country to restart after my mother's death."

"You didn't even say goodbye to us. The least you could have done was tell us. Even a sentence would have been enough."

"I know," I felt tears welled up at the corner of my eyes and I could barely looking at Yoongu and Hoseok straight in the eye. My eyes are now fixtated on the dirty floor.

"Look, we'll talk about this later. Right now try focusing on how to get us the heck out of this hell hole," Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eye in disbelief. I'm not avoiding this but the situation at hand is much more concerning. I quickly suck it up when I notice Jimin had managed to get Jungkook's shoe off.

"Great now can any of you reach for the sho-"

The door creaked open for about the millionth time if the day and we quickly scrambled back to our original position, with Jimin hiding the shoe by kicking it under another broken chair in hopes the incoming guest won't notice.

I finally allowed myself to look at the door, the bright light coming from outside was the reason I had squinted my eyes in attempt to shield them. Two familiar figures walked in, those two being the ones I haven't seen in years.

"G'day mate, how you're going?"

"What the heck? Who are you people?" Namjoon asked in English since they greeted in English first despite still looking like some korean idol.

"Long time no see Agent TK."

I sighed looking at the two boys now stood non-friendly grins plastered on their faces.

"Long time no see, Christopher,"

Playing 🎶
Top (Eng.Version)
~Stray Kids

any thought on who it might be? 👀 honestly I have been hinting in it for the past few chapters..

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