23 || ʙᴏss ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ..

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Yolo kids

This is an important chapter with big clues..

Watch out for them....


Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
- Boss, NCT U

Jundo hates school and the people in it.

He glared at all the laughing kids, having the moment of their life. Hanging out with friends, and have nothing to worry about. They will return home to a happy and normal life. They would have weekend dinners with their family members and even sleepovers. He never had all those before.

His intimidating glares sent the kids around there quickly scattering away from him.

It's been three weeks but not much progress had been done. Scratch that nothing had happened except him going to school and getting detention he don't bother attending .

He got really frustrated at the fact that he couldn't get them some time alone with him.Even in the toilet no chance appeared.

It was always that girl he recognized as Kang Yura, the supposedly nerd that somehow,someway became good friends with the boys. He understood that she was too, a new student that year, which made him wonder how they became friends so quickly. Recently four more new kids entered the school and join the now large group of friends.

He had underestimated all this. His task is getting harder then he expected. But,it's not like he is planning to pull out from it.

Jundo finally walked through the doors of what he call, hell, heading towards his bike.

Jundo hates this mission, but at the same time, he must complete this mission, but not for the money 'boss' was offering.

He swung a leg over the bike and turning on the ignition before speeding off to where he belong.

He passed by a plastic factory, three traffic lights and a gas station before taking a left turn into a narrow, ruined road.

The sound of cars and motorbikes reduced to the point where he could only hear his bike, the only vehicle on the street.

The first sight he caught was the old, worn out factory that belongs to what he call 'boss'. He parked his bike under a nearby tree and headed off to a small cabin that says "men's toilet".

An old man sitting on the stool outside the cabin muttered some incoherent words into his walkie-talkie before he frantically fumbled with some button behind the cabinet and bowed to Jundo upon his arrival.

Jundo opened the door and headed for the fourth cubicle catching sight of a toilet flusher but there was no toilet seat. A single flush and the whole toilet stall suddenly moved downwards, towards the underground.

A smell, too familiar,hit his nostrils. A sight too familiar came to his eyes.

The doors of the secret elevator opened up revealing the underground of the "factory". The place he was raised in. He strutted down the hallways, in between big machines that gave off a strong metallic smell.

All the working people stopped and bowed at him.

"Welcome, Sir. Please head towards the combat room, Boss is anticipating your arrival."

A huge bulky man greeted him before continuing to sharpen his katana.

Jundo's legs quicken it's pace as he doesn't want to disappoint his 'Boss'. He entered the combat room.

The usually crowded room is now empty, only occupied by Jundo, two huge bodyguards, an unknown person sitting on a still next to the 'Boss'.

The  place was also mixed with the usual smell of sweat and sometimes, blood.

"Good evening, Boss" Jundo respectfully bowed to the said latter.

"Nice to see you, Jundo.  I have someone who would like to meet you" Boss gestured towards the person seated next to him.

"Good evening to you too, Sir "

Jundo bowed to the other person too, not bothering to see their face.

" Please don't call me that and drop the formalities, just *** would be good enough"

Jundo's eyes widened in realization that they might have popped out of his sockets. He knew that voice very well, too well.


Im back kids.. Lol ok I'll stop, first of all:

1. I havent finished my hiatus, but I got some free time although I have an IMPORTANT test tomorrow .

2.I got some time so I decide to squeeze it in.

3. I'm deciding on whether to open an IG account or not. Where I can post updates on my upcoming books and my digital artworks. And yes I am not good at digital and graphic but I'm planning to upgrade my skills after this stressful year.

4. I got a new book out, called Teen's conflicts , it's not a fanfic but, I wrote deep stuff, that all single people can relate too. Although it's not complete yet.  Please check it out.... Cuz it's my second original Hohohohoh..

5. Who is *** ? 👀

No one:
Me: tryna sound creepy but failing so hard

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