4 || Sᴘʟᴀsʜ!!

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After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang. I just watched as students were rushing out of the boring classroom. I took my time packing my stuff.

" What's taking you so long? " Jungkook appeared next to me.

"What's the rush?"

"I am very hungry. So hurry up "

"What are you waiting for- oh right your my school guide. Sorry for keeping you waiting" I struggled to pack my things and Jungkook helped me stuff my things in my bag.

He chuckled and soon enough we left. Jungkook walked through the hallways as I trailed behind him like a lost puppy. But then I noticed people staring at us. Jungkook didn't seem bothered but I was.

Then I thought, meh. They are probably jealous that I got a hot boy as my guide. I secretly smirked to myself. I guess things in cliché movies could happen in real life.


I bumped into Jungkook's back.. I was too busy self-bragging that I didn't realize that he stopped walking.

"Get a sit and I'll buy something for us" he said setting his bag and books down.

"It's okay I can buy my own-"

"Today's lunch is on me. It's totally fine" he flashed me a bunny grin.

"Thanks" was all I managed to say to him before he walk off to get food.
I scanned the cafeteria for a table until I spot an empty one.

So I sat there glancing around. There are some students eating lunch, chit-chatting and some couples acting all lovey-dovey. Eww. Not in public guys.

I started dozing off.. Again.. Thinking about how much I missed public school ,wondering if I would make any friends and how-

SPLASH!! I was hit with a sudden feeling of cold water. I then realized that some poured water over me. I turned around only to meet a figure of a smirking Jimin.

"What the hell is wrong with you , you freaking jackass." I yelled while standing up.

He didn't reply and strutted off towards the exit of the cafeteria.
I was too angry to run after him so I stood there with my blood boiling. Everyone in the cafeteria froze and looked at me. I started hearing murmurs from every direction. I wasted no time and stomped my way off towards the locker room. I was glad I had PE today and I change into my PE attire. That Park freaking Jimin would be dead by now if it wasn't for the mission I was assigned. I wish I never took this mission. I never expected it to be this bad on my first day.

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Author's note 📝
I am not Jimin biased.. As it is impossible for me to be loyal to my bias and I get bias wrecked XD.
... All the time...
Jimin is my bias wrecker and my bias is Yoongi.. So yeah.. But it Changes.

When I visit the clinic....

Me: I'm Dying
Doctor: Why?
Me: I have a very serious incurable disease
Doctor: What disease?
Me: BTS disease
Doctor: What!?
Me : these boys were too talented *points at their poster*
Doctor : .. Get out...(points at the door)

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