40 || Wʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs Yᴜʀᴀ??

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OMG I can't believe we reached the 40th chapter already!!
( I was supposed to end it by the 30th chapter XD)

BTW I know this story hasn't gotten much readers. *sighs* but I'm gonna still update..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ but I'd like to thank my readers ALOT!

I'm going to be on a long examination hiatus after this chapter gets released
But I'm excited to show all of my readers what I've planned for the next and following chapter 👀

On another note, the country I am live uses British English, not American but I'm trying to Americanized my grammar so my reader would understand? I just realized that some of my grammar usage or any such things looked like mistakes( but they r not) are done because apparently some of us don't use the same English :(
(But I somehow wrote that whole. paragraph above in American English)

Third person POV

➪︎ Previously on: Not A Nerd

Ara's eyes started to close and she was slipping out of consciousness. The feeling of something gripping her ankle was gone but it was too late. She couldn't find the strength to swim back to the surface as her vision went blur.

➪︎ Currently on: Not A Nerd

"Where is Yura?" Jimin asked Yoongi. The said latter just shrug, not knowing her location. The rest pointed out that maybe, she left for a short break. But Jimin was positive that she hasn't left the water, if she did he would've noticed

Jungkook, too, noticed her absence from the surface. He frantically looked around and spotted a pair of arms flailing from a fair distance, reaching out from below the surface, barely floating. Utterly shocked, he swam over as fast as possible,  and it was because he recognized those hand as Ara's (or Yura's as he knows her).

Jungkook pulled her body to the surface with all his remaining strength and swim towards the lakeside. Now that the teachers are alert of the situation, in courtesy of Hoseok who called out on them, almost everyone was out of the water. Mark quickly went over to the scene and was worried as heck about Ara (Yura to him)

He had ran in advanced towards Jungkook to assist him on getting the two out of the water. Reaching the safer grounds, they laid Ara flat on her back as they tried to wake her unconscious body. Jungkook's and Mark's body were shaking with fear as they realized she wasn't reacting at all. Jungkook even tried pumping her chest, to get the water out of her lungs, the proper way of course. He immediately knew he had no choice but to perform a mouth-to-mouth CPR. His heart was beating hard because it's his first time, and he never had his first kiss. He sometimes felt ashamed because he was a seventeen-year-old-teenage that hasn't gotten his first kiss yet. He didn't even have Ara's consent to begin with.

He deeply breathe in and positioned himself in a way it was easier to perform the CPR before slowly lowering himself onto of Ara(Yura). Blowing air into her airway repeatedly,  people watched with anticipation of her waking up.

Looking away, Mark's heart slightly clenched, witnessing Jungkook performing a mouth-to-mouth CPR on a girl he barely knew. He frowned in confusion, as he felt it.


He didn't know why but it did hurt his heart a slightest bit.

A series of cough interrupting his train of thoughts. Relief washed over everyone at the scene when Ara started coughing out water that settled in her lungs when she drowned. Jungkook who had a tomato red face, scooted aside, giving her some personal space whilst Mark patted her back as she coughed harsher. Her eyes were still closed but to her luck she was still breathing normally.

"Hey, are you okay Yura?" worried laced Mark's tone as he softly ask Ara, waiting for her to take her time to reply to him.

"M-mar-rk, s-someone- t-they-"

Then, Ara mumbled incoherent words that sounded like some alien language to Mark's ears, but then he knew she was starting to slip into unconsciousness again. An awkward cough came from the guy sitted next to him, catching Mark's attention.

"Well, she is f-fine now. J-just take her to her tent and let her g-get the rest she needs," Jungkook fumbled with his words, trying to look at everywhere but Ara before walking off to his friends that kept asking as full-lengthed explanation about the matter. The crowd of students dispersed as Mark carried Ara bridal-style to her tent. Technically, he couldn't help her change out of her wet clothes, so he called Jiwoo and Ryujin over the door the favor. He observed her peaceful sleeping face that seemed so angel like to him. He thought she reminded him so much of his childhood best friend, back in Canada.

Mark smiled to himself, thinking about her and their sweet memories and long hours spent together. Walking out of the tent with his hands in his pockets, Mark's smile flattered a tiny bit before he let out an audible sigh.

"I miss you so much,

Raven... "

Once again:
I'm going to be on a long examination hiatus after this chapter gets released
But I'm excited to show all of my readers what I've planned for the next and following chapter 👀

I'm expecting you to know what to expect in the expected future. I hope it will meet yer' expectation. Lol XD

Hmm.. Incase if you haven't noticed, I changed my writing style for this chapter. Nothing much,  just a lil difference. Do you like it? Or should I return to my old style of writing? Let me know!

Love, Venz

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