6 || ᴀssɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ʙᴜᴅᴅʏ?

810 31 1

Today is my second day. Nothing much happened today. I met some people but we barely spoke. Hours went by until it was the last class of the day. Yasssss finally I internally cheered. Last class was Biology. At least Biology is not as boring as History.

"Okay class, today you will be given an assignment. I have a box that contains papers with the title of your project and what topic it is" I heard students groaning at the announcement.

"What makes it even exciting is that you will pick a partner from this box over here to do your assignment with together." the teacher continued as he picked up another box filled with crumpled papers.

My brain stop functioning. I wondered why do we already have assignments although it's my second day of school. I guess things just couldn't get any better.

I waited as the teacher picked some students to take the paper from the boxes. The teacher picked only half students of the class. I just hope this someone that somehow got me as their partner is nice.

"All right everyone. Now, find your partner and start discussing on your assignment " that's all I heard from the teacher before he left. If I'm not mistaken he said he needed to use the toilet. I guess.

A student came up to me. I think his name is Kim Taehyung. He is also one of the boys I need to provide protection for. I have identified all the boy but so far I have only spoken to Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey, new kid" he said casually.

"Hey, Taehyung. By the way the name is Yura" he seems to be taken aback from my response.

"Yeah I know that already "

"Yeah I know you do"





The atmosphere was really awkward.

" We have to complete an assignment together" I was glad he broke the silence.

"What is it about?"

" Chapter 4" I gulped

"But I thought Chapter 4 is--"

"Reproduction" he cut me off.

"Yeah . Do we really have to do that thing?" I don't feel comfortable now.

"Yeah we do" I nodded slowly as my response.

"Alright then, meet me at my house this Saturday "

"Right" I just watch him as he wrote something on a sticky note and stick it in my desk.

I read it and it turns out to be his phone number and some social media accounts.

The class was full of chatter and I felt really bored. I took out my phone and save Taehyung's number in it. I followed his IG and Twitter account too.


I lied down on my bed. I reached out for my phone when I heard a beep. Unexpectedly, Taehyung texted me.
Of course he did, we were assignment buddies.

Taehyung :
Come to (inserts address) at 4pm. No need to bring anything. I'll provide food.

Okay see you there.

See you

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