7 || ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ?

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Today I got bias wrecked by Hobi. Again lololol.. So I watched the video above so that my bias (Yoongi) has a solid position in my hearteu.

Today is a Monday. All over again. Urgh. Now I know why students never liked. Monday. I don't need explanation anymore. Luckily. last weekend Ryujin texted me that she will be moving in my school so I wouldn't be lonely through out the mission. I still hadn't met many people. I only have talked to Jungkook, Taehyung , Seokjin and Jiwoo, a girl from dance my class . She is the only girl that spoke to me nicely. The others either ignored me or gossip about me.

I walked through to corridors heading to my locker.

"Ara! "
I heard a familiar voice calling me. I turned around only to be tackled to the floor by Ryujin.

"Shush, keep it down. Can't you see I'm on a mission. Don't call me by my real name. The name is Yura"
I whispered-shouted at her.

" Oh I mean, Hi Yura" she gave me a big bear hug.

"How are you, Ryujin"

"I'm perfectly fine. What about you? "

" I'm have never been better"

"Good to hear mate"

"What are you doing here, Ryujin" another voice beam.

"Jiwoo? " Ryujin looked shocked.

"Wait. You guys know each other? " I was totally confused.

"Yes" they replied in unison.

"We met at a cafe 2 weeks ago" Jiwoo spoke up.

" Wow, never knew you were in this school" Ryujin smiled widely.

"Well, the world is small my friend" I giggled with them.

We accompanied Ryujin to the office to take her schedule. Miss Rye asked Jiwoo and I to guide her since we knew each other already. Talking about guide.. I no longer need Jungkook's help cause I know most of the place and I got Jiwoo with me.

The three of us walked to our class. Most of my class is same with Ryujin and Jiwoo. So I get to see them often. I sat at my usual sit which is next to Taehyung. I had to change my sit cause I don't want to pick a fight with Jimin. Again.

"What's up, Yura"

"The ceiling is up? "

"No I mean what's up with you"

"Nothing is up with me"

"What? "

"What? "


"What's up with you and the new girl. You guys seems close" he continued.

"She is my best friend. We were friends since forever " I grinned while watching Ryujin conversing with other students in my class. She is more of a socializer than I am. I envy her for that.

"She seems nice" I noticed him staring at her longer than he should.

"Yeah she is one of the nicest person you can ever find" his eyes never leaving her.

"She really friendly"

"You mean she is really pretty" I joked
He didn't reply. Taehyung just stared at Ryujin.

"Hey, TaeTae. Do you like her? " I smirk at him while wiggling my eyebrows.

" What are you bullshitting about" he looks nervous.. I can tell he is lying.

"You keep staring at her" I wiggled my eyebrows again.

"Can you shut up " he finally looked away from Ryujin blushing madly.

"You know I can always set you guys on a date" I may not attend school for years but I do know that dates existed.

"No not yet please. Don't tell her anything. Please don't " he looked at me with pleading puppy eyes. I never knew he could be this cute. I giggled at him.

"What are you laughing at? "he asked suddenly sounding serious..

"I never knew that my friend here could act all cute for me" I giggled even more.

"Friend? "

"Yeah your my friend "

"Yay were friends. But can we be best friends?"

"Why not? "

"Yay thank you Yura. You are the best" he gave me a big friendly hug.

"Anything for you my bestie"

" Promise me that we will be by each other's side all the time "

"P-promise" I accidentally stuttered. I feel really bad now. I knew that right after this mission, I won't be in this school anymore. I'll go back home-schooling.

Just in time my Chemistry teacher entered. I like Chemistry. It's gonna be a long day.

(I'll edit this chapter in the future) sorry. ..its supposed to be longer.. But I had to cut it short.. Sorry

Author's note
Please take note that this is a Fan fiction. So it has nothing to do with BTS from real life. Their personalities are not related to BTS at all.
The storyline is fully written by me. Plagiarism is a crime. If you want to repost it. Please kindly comment in the upcoming inline comment.
......Comment here.....
I'm just using BTS as the characters in my stories. I'm extremely sorry if my story offendes you in anyways.

Thank you very much for reading and PLEASE VOTE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

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