46 || ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ɢɪғᴛ

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Playing 🎶

"Run through the maze like a beast

I'm avoiding all the familiar paths

Though inexperienced, it's a new challenge

Imma Bear Grylls anything that blocks my dream

I'm going to eat it up

I run, it's the adventure for my dream"

"We're Blackpink." I silently gasp, seeing why they would want to form an alliance with The Heist. It wasn't just merely for work purposes. It was a freaking revenge.

"I'm pretty sure you could see our motives by now, " Rose twirled her hair around her fingers while her other hand was busy playing with a lighter. Don't ask me where she got that from.

"because of.. Jennie? " I slowly asked, I definitely don't want to piss off a gang. They would go after everyone you've ever known through out your lifetime.

The purple haired girl-Jisoo, muttered a small 'bingo' while carefully dragging her gaze across every one of us. That creeper me out a little. These girls looked very innocent but they are a gang. How in the world did they get involved with this dark world? Gosh, only God knows what they've been through.

"Now enough with the chit chat, we invited a few friends of yours over. They'll take care if you got now," and just like that, one by one of them started leaving the room. As the door shut close, I heard Namjoon let out a harsh breath.

"Yura-I mean -Ara, you lied to us the whole time?"

I didn't answer. I just kept my head down. There was no way for me to deny the truth, even if it wasn't how I wanted them to find out.

"Jungkook you got anything to say? Hmm? You lied to your own friends! I understand if Yura-Ara whoever she is, were to lie to us, but we were friends for years. Why did you keep this from us?"

I almost flinched if it wasn't for the chains holding me down. Namjoon's tone got higher to the point where he started yelling at Jungkook.


"Don't hyung me! Do you realize how dangerous this is? This world is not for you Jungkook. At least not yet, does your parents even know? " Namjoon looked really pissed off. The others just sent a sympathetic look at Jungkook. Tired with all the scolding the poor boy was getting, I cleared my throat, getting everyonevs attention.

"It's not Jungkook's fault,"

"He wanted to do good for other people. So, he signed himself up. He knew what he was doing the moment he started his training. About him not telling you guys, it was never his fault. The agency's policies included him not being allowed to tell anyone except for his immediate family, and yes, his parents are aware of his job.

Second, he didn't lie to you guys. Just because he didn't reveal about him being an agent doesn't make him a liar. He was just protecting the people around him because in this world, the more you know the dangerous it gets. Jungkook may be 17, but he is capable of handling himself and making his own decisions, he knows what to expect in this world. He did nothing wrong. Tell me Namjoon, shouldn't you be proud if him?" by this time I could hear soft sobbings coming from Jungkook.

He gave me a weak smile for trying to defend him. The frown on Namjoon's face cease only to show a worry expression, contemplating on his actions. He sighed hard, letting down his anger and cooling down.

"You're right. I shouldn't be angry at him. I'm sorry Jungkook. I just can't believe you kept something so big from us. Especially since we were friends since forever"

"I'm extremely sorry Namjoon hyung. But there was nothing I could've done," Jungkook let out a sigh and the conversation died down, none of them planning to keep it up. Being kidnap definitely killed the fun we had a few hours before.

"Now, what do we do?" I looked at Jin, who looked really worked out by the whole situation. Anyone would be if they were in our shoes at the moment, but Jin just looked the worst among us.

"Will they kill us?" Jimin questioned, judging the situation we are in. The others looked at me, tear filled eyes staring ahead, scared for the worst that might happen.

"We shall hope for the best guys,"

A heavy silence filled the room, it was almost eerie I could say. This is the first time I'm being kidnapped off duty, well not really since I'm with the targets I'm supposed to protect, but it was definitely not something I was expecting. Everyone looked just as bad and lost, even Jungkook did. I dragged my gaze across the room, trying to look for something that might just help us out. Just as I was about to give up, I locked my eyes in the pair of shoes Jungkook was wearing.

"Kookie, are you wearing the shoes I gifted you on your birthday?"

Playing 🎶
~ Stray Kids
(PS: this is Han Jisung's rap that's why the lyrics are bomb ksjsks that talented kid keeps
shocking us with his writing skills)

A/N just want to say sorry for going for along as hiatus. I just had a major exam then a whole quarantine happened to my family for fourteen days and then we were busy for a wedding and then I had tons of online classes and now my finals are coming up. I really needed the break, but I think it was longer than expected. Now I'm having a writers block and it's taking me weeks to complete a chapter. I'm sincerely sorry.

BTS comeback is approaching 👀 yass please
y e e t

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