11 || Sᴏ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴ

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Jeon Jungkook!" 

His eyes went wide and he stared at me as he was (Jung)shook. 

"How....." He trailed off while scanning my face. Of course he couldn't recognize me cause I wasn't wearing my disguise and I had a mask on. 

"What is he doing here Mr.Kim?" my eyes were bulging because I didn't want my cover to break.

"Agent TK, meet Agent JK. I need you to assist him for his upcoming mission" 

"Nice to meet you Agent JK"  I stretch a hand in front waiting for him to accept it.

"N-nice to meet you too, Agent TK" he stuttered as he hesitantly accepted my hand. 

"Have we met before?" He still was confused. Poor boy.

"It's okay Agent TK. You can break your cover" my dad interrupted our staring contest.

"I am the new exchange student in your high school. On my first day, you took me on a tour around the school" I explain while pulling down my mask. I never gave my real identity to anyone else other than the very few people that I trust. And he is not one of them.......yet.

"Kang Yura?"

"Yup, the one and only

"But you don't look like her at all" he stated while scanning my face.

"It's because I was wearing a disguise at school, Agent JK" 

"Oh, I see...."

"Anyways, Agent TK here will help you on your very first mission as an official agent in The Orynx" My father announced proudly to us. Jungkook or Agent JK looks pretty excited.

"You two will have to go undercover together as businessman and businesswoman at a gala held by Mr. Solvich, a rich businessman that got most of his income from illegal business. He hides some documents about all his illegal connections and transactions in a safe box located in a room instead of keeping it in his computer so we can't hack into his system. That is why we needs to send agents to physically get them. This is a blueprint plan of his house. With this, you will able to find the room of the documents" he explained and handed me pieces of paper.

"And get Agent MB to help you guys"  he reminded us before we left.


A short reference for readers..
These are the Agent's code name for missions...

Agent JK : Jeon Jungkook
Agent TK : Kim Ara /Kang Yura
Agent MB : Moonbyul


We entered the mission room only to be greeted by an empty room. Usually, Moonbyul would be here but now, she is not.

"Um..... What are we supposed to do now??" he shattered the awkward silence. 

I was just gonna reply but the door was slammed open by the one and only .... Moonbyul.

"You must be Agent JK" she asked as she slam the door shut.. She really likes slamming doors does she??

The startled boy just nodded at her question as he step aside allowing her to go to her workplace, the screens. 

"So, what's the plan?" Jungkook questioned softly but voice audible enough for us to hear.


I'm sorry for making a short chapter. But I'll try to make the next chapter longer.


Author's note
Please take note that this is a Fan fiction. So it has nothing to do with BTS from real life. Their personalities are not related to BTS at all.
The storyline is fully written by me. Plagiarism is a crime. If you want to repost it. Please kindly comment in the upcoming inline comment.
......Comment here.....
I'm just using BTS as the characters in my stories. I'm extremely sorry if my story offendes you in anyways.
Thank you very much for reading and PLEASE VOTE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

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