16 || ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ

560 18 0

PG 13
Contains alcoholic scenes, swearing and other stuff .
Honestly it's nothing serious.



"Ouch" I accidentally burnt a patch on my left wrist while curling my hair. I ignored the pain and finished up my looks.

A black off-shoulder dress that stuck to my body until my mid-thigh definitely complimented my curves. Some lip gloss and eyeshadow decorate my face and a pair of black pumps was enough to finish off my looks.

Kim Seokjin, the rich boy of Haechi High school is helding a big party at his personal beach house. Everyone from highschool is invited, so was I.

I grabbed my purse, car-key as well as my signature penknife, just incase. I slipped it into my pumps, where it's easy to access. And hit the road to Seokjin's beach house in my BMW 7th series.

The journey came to a halt as I approach a single mansion located near the beach. Expectedly, it was big and loud music was blasting from the inside. Some wild teenagers were seen outside, already in a drunk state.

I walked in only to be greeted with the horrible smelled of alcohol that stung my nostrils. They were teenagers all over the place doing stuff they usually do at a wild party.

But some particular pair of couple caught my eyes. Park Jimin and a random girl who I assumed goes by the name Jennie. They were chatting at the corner. Well I don't think chatting is the right term.. Probably, dirty talking. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"You came," I turned around to meet Jungkook face-to-face.

"Of course I did, why would I miss such opportunity," I gave him a slight grin. I followed to the table where our friends sat, Taehyung with Ryujin, Yoongi with Hoseok and Namjoon with Jin. So I ended up being next to Jungkook.

"What do you prefer drinking?" Jungkook asked me in a higher tone because of the blasting music.
"Any juice would do, thank you"
With that he left me with my new chaotic friends.

"Yo, checked out that hot chick!" I over-heard Namjoon talking to Jin. I chuckled as I continue listen to the drunk nerd.
"Which one?"
"The one in the red dress! "
"Not bad!"
"Wanna ask her if she is busy tonight? "
"The fvck!! no way. Not in my house, bring her back to your house,"
"But we live in the same house, "
"Then go find a hotel! " they were yelling the whole time over the loud music.
I guess my nerd friend is not that innocent.

"Here is your drink,"
"Thanks, kookie"

I was startled when he suddenly grab my left wrist.
"What happened?" he asked as he inspected the small burnt patch on my wrist.

"I accidentally burnt my hand while curling my hair earlier,"
His face was washed with relief as he heard my explanation.
"oh, sorry "
"It's ok Kookie," I chuckled when his face turned crimson as I called him 'Kookie' again .

My eyes scanned the crowd once again. Honestly I have never been to a party like this, invited. Usually, I attend this kind of parties for some task for the company. So I guessed this my time to have fun. I'm not obviously not planning on getting wasted.

5 minutes later....

"Come on, Yura, you can do it! Show them what you've got" Ryujin yelled as I down my 8th shot. It didn't take long till Hoseok challenged Jungkook and I to see who will finish 10 shots first. Everybady was cheering for us. Jungkook was on his 9th but it looked like he is giving up although he held another shot in his hand.

I bottomed my 9th glass of vodka before I stood up and snatched his glass. "Bottoms up, girl!" Ryujin cheered as I emptied the glass. Jungkook laid face first on the table as he surrendered.

"And we have a winner,"Hoseok came in the picture and the whole crowd cheered for me.

It's been awhile since I had fun with my friends so I guess this is one of the most memorable day. Although I had burn my throat today.

I'm surely getting a bad hangover tomorrow.

"Excuse me, Jin. I really need to use a bathroom now. May I know where is it?" I approached Jin whose been talking to Namjoon the whole evening.
" Uh, yeah I think this floor's ones are occupied so take the stairs and turn left, you should find one on your right at the end of the hallway,"
"Thank youuu, "
I actually want to inform my dad that I'll be home later than usual that why I need to use the bathroom. I assumed that there are no one upstairs so it should be fine.

I walk upstairs a little wobbly, everything seemed so unstable.

One thing's for sure.

I'm drunk.

However, I miraclely managed to reach the top of the staircase successfully. I took the left hallway as what Jin said but as I reach the end, I forgot. "Should I go left? Or right? "I mumbled to myself like an idiot.

"Maybe left, "
I open the door on my left.

But it wasn't what I expected.

I saw something I shouldn't.


I'm currently on a hiatus but I tried...
Btw I'll be re-editing the whole book (Forgotten Princess) for you guys...
Cuz it not getting as much readers as (Not a Nerd)


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