33 || ᴇᴍᴇʀɢᴇɴᴄʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2

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Third Person Point of View

Previous chapter

(This is a continuation of the previous chapter)

Ara smiled at the memory before hearing a knock coming from the door.

"Agent TK?" one of her aquantaince she made when she first started her training in Ukraine, was Bang Chan or Christopher, is an agent with the same ranking as her but from another alliance company, The Heist.

"G'day, mate?" Ara tried imitating his Aussie accent he usually has, but failed to sound natural. They chuckled together at her silly act.

"I'm doin' good! What 'bout ya?"

"Things are just peachy," Ara replied with her normal accent.

"Hey, that's not Aussie!"

However, the atmosphere was different went the door slammed open with Felix marching in, his unusual serious mood was on and it's scary.

"Sorry to break the fun in here but, I've got some bad news, it's an emergency,"


"Bad news?" Ara questioned him again to make sure she didn't hear it wrong.

"The Ukraine Intelligence Facility is under an attack,"

"Then we better start moving,"


"What's the status of the situation now," Ara heard her dad speaking, known as Agent M, to most of the agent. His voice laced authority and leadership as he spoke.

"There are an unknown amount of Russian enemies inside the UIF trying to run off with the classified files that belongs to the Ukraine Government, and some people inside the building managed to escape. According to our intel, the enemies also held 10 people as hostages." Everyone from both the Heist and the Orynx were present.

Earlier this year, they gathered here to complete the intensive training for the new badge of agents, that includes Ara.

"We've sent a few members of Bravo One to the UIF but the communication is poor, I'm afraid we need to send someone to the communication tower to be our informant of the situation,"

"Then, we shall. Agent Chan? Would you mind doing the favor since your the team captain of Bravo One?"

"Roger that, Sir." with that he packed up some equipment and left.

In the corner of her eyes, Ara saw a boy, about her age following Bang Chan. She recognized him as one of the newcomers, although she wasn't sure of his identity. She was sure her father wasn't alert at the fact that an unqualified agent was tagging along on such dangerous mission. But she shrugged it off. She didn't want to cause trouble anyways.


After a few minutes of communicating with Bravo One to keep track on what's going on in the UIF, they received a small signal indicating they have successfully rescued all the hostages. Agent M who left to answer the call from the Ukraine government returned.

"They have ordered us to launch a missile on the site to make sure the enemies shall not leave with the files. Tell Bravo One to evacuate the building as soon as possible, then launch the missile."

"Yes, Sir" the agent in charged of the communication contacted Bravo One for permission to launch at their site. A signal was received, but it was unknown to them who sent it. The agent thought the signal was sent by Bravo One. Then, he launched the missile after receiving the signal. Unfortunately, later on, they were troubled with some communication issue.

"Sir, I think the enemies have disabled our communication connection with Bravo One, only Agent Chan can communicate with them."

"Agent X, tell Agent Chan to alert them." he did as he said. Agent X or Agent Felix grab the walkie-talkie to tell Agent Chan to alert Bravo One.


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