3 || Pʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ

889 33 3

I looked around for the school's office until I saw a sign that says 'Office ' . I knock the door and went in.

"Good morning, may I help you with anything? " a middle aged lady in a office attire looked up from her computer.

"Good morning, Miss. My name is Kang Yura. I am a new student. I would like to have my timetable"
I introduced myself using my fake name.

"Please hold on, Ms. Kang." she said as she started typing something on her computer.

After awhile she printed a piece of paper. Damn that's pretty filled up.

"Welcome to Haechi Highschool Ms. Kang . Here is your timetable. Have a nice day. " she smiled as she handed me my timetable.

"Thank you, Miss. "
I bowed to her before heading towards the door.

Just then someone burst into the room. He looks really familiar.

"Ah, you came Mr. Jeon. Ms. Kang, meet Mr. Jeon. He was assigned to be your guide on your first day. " the boy smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jeon"

"Nice to meet you to Ms. Kang. But please, call me Jungkook" he grinned widely at me. Then, I remember those boys I need to "protect". Well at least I have talked to one of them already.

"Okay then, you may go to your class now. Mr. Jeon, please take care of her,"

"I will do so, Miss Rye" we bowed to her before excusing ourselves.

We walked through the corridors towards 'god knows where' until he spoke up.

"Um, so do you mind telling me your name? I don't want to call you formally. "

"Ah, sorry. My name is Kang Yura "
" I see, nice name you've got.. Yura"

"Thanks " her thanks. But that's not my real name.

The conversation ended awkwardly. So I decided to carry it on.

"May I know where exactly we're heading to? "

"Our first class which would be.. English "

"Really? I love learning English " I said happily playing a character of ab ethusiatic highschoolar, rather than the usual unbothered me.

Right after that he stopped his steps and stood still for awhile which left me confused.
Then, he looked left before entering a classroom after knocking the door.

"We are here" he whispered to me.
We went in and explained ourselves to the teacher cause we were late.
The teacher asked me to introduce myself...

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kang Yura. I'm new here so please take care of me,"

I looked at everyone before mentally sighing.

"Hmm, this should be 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲," she muttered under her breath.

Some student just softly smiled and some had a blank expression on. But I caught a girl from the side that was glaring at me since I walked into the class as if I was a murderer.. Well.. I don't really care.

"Please take a seat next to Jungkook, Yura" the teacher told me.
I walked over to the table and sat there waiting for nothing to happen. The lesson started and everyone was paying attention.

The entire class was in peace for the first five minutes until someone barged into the class. How rude...

"Excuse me, Jimin. Mind explaining why were you late again? " the teacher questioned him. Well I guess my new "friend" that I made was not the good type.

He just replied a "traffic git in the way" while walking towards the back sit. Then I realised he was walking in my direction. He stood infront of me and muttered a short but clear "move".

I was really confused so I just stared at him .

"Why should I move? " I questioned him. By that time I heard few gasp coming from the students in my class.

"Move before something bad happens" he warned me.
But it wasn't enough to intimidate me.

Just before I was about to backfire him. The teacher told him to take a sit somewhere behind me.

I was just listening to what the teacher was teaching. It wasn't something new so I start to zone out a little.
Suddenly, I felt something hit my head. I looked around and saw a piece of crumpled paper on the floor and picked it up. Something was writen on it.

"You have been warned "

I knew almost immediately who wrote it. I looked at him just to find him smirking in my direction. His cocky expression says it all. I messed with the wrong guy.


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