41 || Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ Pʜɪʟʟɪᴘ

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Third person POV

➪︎ Previously on: Not A Nerd

Mark smiled to himself, thinking about her and their sweet memories and long hours spent together. Walking out of the tent with his hands in his pockets, Mark's smile flattered a tiny bit before he let out an audible sigh.

"I miss you so much,

Raven... "

➪︎ Currently on: Not A Nerd

"Hey, Mark. Is she fine?" Jimin and the rest who were watching the  whole commotion. Mark walked over the group that was seated under the tree.
"She is sleeping well. I got Jiwoo to change her out of her wet clothes so that she is more comfortable," the rest nodded their heads at his answer.

"Do we tell her parents and send her home?" Jungkook's ears perked at Namjoon's question.

"I know her dad's number, maybe I should inform him about her condition?" Jungkook's answer got Mark's gears working.

"You know her dad? I thought she just moved here a few months ago?" Mark raised an eyebrow curiously in Jungkook's direction.

"Well, I visited her place a number of times. How about we wait until she is awake and ask her about it. " Jungkook expertly avoided directly answering Mark's question and giving further details. They must be pretty close then, Mark thought to himself.

Meanwhile, a person who was sitting under a tree, not really far from the group of highschoolars, was intentionally eavesdropping. Hearing that Yura(Ara) was still alive angered them, concluding another failure.

🆃︎🅸︎🅼︎🅴︎ 🆂︎🅺︎🅸︎🅿︎

Ara heard crickets in the background, disrupting her precious slumber. "I believe I don't have crickets in my home," she said to herself. Then, she shifted a little to make herself more comfortable but her bed felt unfamiliar.  "Since when did my bed become this hard?". She mentally questioned herself again. Slowly opening an eye, and two, she took in her surroundings, which was definitely not her room. Infact, it was a tent.

Then, the previous events came crashing to her. "Oh, I'm on a camping trip,".  Ara collected herself and try to make herself look presentable before she exited the tent. Although her mind was pretty hazy, she could still walk, though a little unstable. Unzipping the tent's opening, Ara step on the grass, barefooted. She grimaced as the cold grass touched her feet . Now that she felt even more composed, she noticed that she was changed out of her clothes. She started feeling anxious, wondering who helped her while she was unconscious. Hopefully it's a girl.. She thought to herself.

" Look who's awake!" The first person that spotted Ara's figure was Hoseok, who ethusiaticly chirped upon her arrival. The gang were seated on chopped logs that were arranged around the campfire which was blazing, lighting up the area as the sky was slowly turning dimmer by the minute.

"How long was I out for?" Ara took a seat on an empty spot, next to Jimin, seemingly left empty for her.

"Roughly two hours, maybe a little more. Feeling better now? " Joon worriedly leaned over to ask her if she was fine, in which Ara responded with a nod and a genuine smile, in gratitude for his concern.

"Never felt better!  Thanks for looking out for me."

"Actually, it was Jungkook who saved you from drowning in the lake," with that, Ara's eyes trailed over to the said boy who was staring into nothingness.

"Is that true? Kookie?" Ara asked him, but he was still day dreaming, or night since the sun was already down. Yoongi nudged Jungkook who still looked clueless about the situation.

"Sorry?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he just missed the whole conversation.

"I said, is it true that you saved me from drowning earlier?"

"Uh yeah, I guess I did... "once again he trailed off..

"He even went all Prince Phillip on you," Ryujin pointed out

"Prince Philip?"

"The prince that saved Sleeping Beauty with a true love's kiss, duh" Ryujin eye-rolled at (Ara)Yura's lack of knowledge.

"Wait, he did what?"

"I think what she meant was, Jungkook gave you a CP-" but before Taehyung could complete his sentence, Jungkook reached over to clasp his hand over Taehyung's mouth. Of course, he was too late.

"Oh, a CPR?"

"Yup," since there was no point in hiding Jin gave it away. Jungkook's face was a deep shade of crimson as he waited for Ara's reaction, squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for his scolding to come but instead he heard her laugh.

"Wait, don't tell me you were embarrassed of that?"

"Y-yeah I've never really kissed anyone yet..."

"Aww, my little kookie is so cute!"now her laughter was uncontrollable. Jungkook, however, looked slightly offended.

Hearing Jungkook's lack of response, Ara apologized and said she will try to be more considerate about his feelings in the future.

Not long after,  the teachers called them to gather near the middle of the campsite. There were few student helpers that were assisting the teachers around for dinner. Ara and her team members headed to the table which had their group label on it.

"Woah, this is our prize?" Jin's jaw visibily dropped at the sight of grilled meat settled on their table. The rest of them too, already had watery mouths.

"Yes, since your group won the challenge, you'll get extra meat for dinner. Enjoy your meals and recharge tonight before tomorrow's activity. " a teacher informed them. They rushed to get their dinner, not letting any of it go to waste. A teacher came by and ask Ara is she was feeling better from the previous incident or she wanted out from the camp but Ara quickly refuse the offer stating that she was perfectly fine.

"Yura?" Ara who was busy chewing on her meat, turned around to face with the one and only Mark Lee.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" she tried speaking with her mouth full, in which Jin smacks her for doing such thing.

"Just came by to ask you if you're feeling better."

"Thanks for your concern. I'm all good now,"  Ara gave him a thumbs up, trying to tell him she is fine.

"I might have forgotten to mention that Mark was the one who carried you to your tent while you were out." Taehyung peeped up from the table where he was refilling his plate with meat.

"Oh,really? I'm really grateful Mark. Thank you very much" Ara grinned at Mark which Mark gladly returned.

"Yeah no biggie"

"Okay then, I'll get going. Don't want my team members to finish my portion on my behalf do we." he giggled along with her before waving them goodbye.

Now that Ara had some things to think on her own, she recalled how she drowned, or rather what made her drowned. Ara frowned at her own thoughts.

She knew something was definitely off. Ara has her suspicion but she couldn't find any evidence on who to point this fault onto. But she knew she can't let this slip off, the culprit must be caught before they decide to danger anyone of the students. She can't risk anyone's life.

I'm back 👀  and I'm still experimenting on the new way of writing HAHAHA. Hiatus is not supposed to be over yet but I needed a break from the real world.

Any thoughts 👀

My IG/twitter/wattpad acc is @mysavageboi  btw

Made: 3/8/20
Edited: 06/10/21

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