43 || Rᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs

175 3 1

Dynamite be popping first on the Billboard charts for 2 weeks in a row!

A smol note:

If u r a stay:
If you've heard about what happened. I have few words for you. Woojin was a member of Stray Kids. I hope you can tell apart was and is. I understand, you don't see how he had wronged the members of Stray Kids. However, that doesn't mean he is still a member of Skz. The policy nine or none is no longer valid. I know you try to cherish the old times, but sometimes you just got to accept. Even Felix always post #8, indicating that they like to be acknowledged as an eight-member group, not anything that differs from that. It's was pretty obvious but some of you still were unaware of this.
(A/n: and yes someone said eight is fate)

And just because someone is your idol, it doesn't always mean that she/he/they is righteous of every decisions he/she/they make. This doesn't just apply to him/her
/them but everyone else.

I, of course do not truely believe the allegations made by the victim because of the lack of evidence, but I also do not support him. I'm not planning to take sides because there are no solid evidence. For all we knew the victim could be telling the truth and the "agency" and him are trying to seal the truth or the supposedly "victim" is a hater that wanted to stir up problems. Let's not jump to any conclusions as there are no valid proof to justify this matter.

But please learn to accept that SKZ is a happy, talented and cheerful eight-member group consisting of Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin,  Han, Felix, Seungmin and I. N.

That's all I have to say

Right back to the story!!


𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 ♫︎

My current state, the way I talk, my actions

"I know I shouldn’t be like this

But everything goes the opposite way

I want you to understand me

I don’t know what will happen

Again today, I’m barking"

Ara's POV

A loud bang echoed from a nearby source. My eyes shot open but I could only notice the darkness that surrounded me because my eyes were covered. Another loud sound of metal clattering, one after another,  rung in my ears. My hands were bounded behind my back, which burned because of how tightly it was bounded. I took notice of the smell too. A metallic, horrid and disgusting smell that was somewhat familiar.


The sound of some metal scraping against the floor hasn't stop. I was gagged using some cloth and was blindfolded as well, so I couldn't observe my surroundings, nor could I communicate with my attacker, whom still remains a mystery. I tried lifting the chair I was bounded to using my legs, but the attempt was a waste. I still didn't know if anyone was watching, or if anyone was in the same room or not. Being blindfolded, gagged and bounded definitely increased my anxiousness.

My legs, though  they were tied to together, made an attempt to push the chair I was seated on, trying to look of any wall nearby, perhaps something that might help the situation. If there were anyone watching me,  they would have noticed it immediately and stop me from moving freely. I continued moving around due to the lack of signs of the attacker being aware of the situation. So, I assumed I was alone.

Or so I thought.

I felt the chair hit something and the sound of metal scraping each other echoed the air. I would've asked if anyone else were there if it wasn't for the annoyingly disgusting piece of cloth those morons decided to use that prevented me from talking. I couldn't care less about my disguise as a nerd. My fake glasses were long gone, but my hair extensions somehow managed to stay put in the midst of this whole kidnapping ordeal.

"Salutations to our dearest guests. Hope you've enjoyed your stay so far." a sickeningly sweet girly voice boomed through the,  what I assume, a room. The voice continuesly talked.

"Not all the guest were given the privilege of being seated on a chair. You should consider yourselves lucky," the sound of metal scraping hasn't stop. Since she mentioned her guests in plural , there must be some my friends here too. .

I could hear footsteps approaching me. I tried backing off but the chair couldn't budge further. It was like a force was holding my chair down.

" I hope you don't think you could leave this place just yet, do you?" she, sadisticly whispered in my ear. I swear if Jimin was in my shoes, he would have peed his pants off.

I could feel her tugging onto my blindfold, loosening the tightly done, I assumed was, a double knot. (a/n na kwakk jaba double knot! Skjsks stan skz)

My eyes quickly adjusted to my surroundings the moment the blindfold was lifted off my eye after what seemed like years. Despite my vision being quite blurry from being under the blindfold for so long, I could make out an underground base. A place I thought I would never be held hostage as.

To call it more specifically, the torture room. I might not be right but from what I've learned, most underground gangs have an underground basement and a room specially designed, to be waterproof. These rooms are usually used for both training and a smaller section for torture. Let's hope it's not the latter.

She still stood firmly behind me while taking my gag off. I spit out the disgusting taste of it. Only God knows what use did they put those piece of material before. The said girl dramaticly walked forward, not fully turning towards me. The angle of her face slowly showing. As if time had slowed down, it felt like minutes wait for the revelation.
I kept silent as she faced me.

A face that struck no familiarity, an innocent face, with a hint of a Russian doll. (a/n no offense)  No one could have told she if she was capable of kidnapping or not. She was dressed in a fashionable striped crop top, added with a classic leather jacket, black skinny jeans, finishing her outfit with black shiny heel boots. A pretty decent outfit to wear in the midst of a torture room. The makeup on her face was done perfectly, eye shadow and ruby red lipstick. Along with neon highlights on and ombre style going through her mid-length blonde hair. Looks like a rebel to me.

"Well hello there,"

𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 ♫︎

Grrr 총량의 법칙
- Stray Kids

A/n:  I wrote this chapter awhile ago but I forgot to publish it Skjsjsksksjk sorry what an idiot I am.

the blue bird app has been pretty toxic recently. So, I've decide to uninstall it. But I will try to return occasionally.
I uninstalled ig too Bahahahaha.
Feel like I'm turning from a social butterfly to an antisocial caterpillar.

I finally wrote Ara's Point Of View Yay KSJSKSJSKSJSKJSKSKHSKSJSJSKS it's been awhile. Results of my previous examination were devastating :')

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