8 || ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs

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My Add-Maths teacher just entered. The noisy mess tuned down as the teacher walked in. I guess everyone is afraid of her. We greeted the teacher politely.

"Good Morning, class. Today we will be doing some quiz. You will be partnered with the person sitting next to you" I turned to my right hoping to be partnered with Taehyung but it seems like he had chosen Jungkook. Best friends my ass.

"Hey, Yura right?" I looked to my left upon hearing my name. My eyes met another pair but the difference is that they settled behind a pair glasses. Well I almost forgot that I was wearing one too. He smiled at me and showed his dimples that resembled Mariana Trench. I responded with a smile.

"Yes, I'm Kang Yura. And you are? "

"Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you " Oh, now I remember him.

"Nice to meet you too. I guess it's just you and me now" I noticed the person on his left is discussing with his own partner.

He nodded showing off his dimples again.

"Alright class. I will be distributing this worksheet. The pair that hands-in this paper first will be rewarded. The last one will be punished" the teacher beamed to gain the class's attention. I could here some people already groaning.

The teacher went to table by table to give out the worksheet. I'm glad I don't suck at Add-Maths. I could see that Namjoon is a genius. So I guessed it wouldn't be that bad.

" You may start.. now .. " we started scribbling with our paper and hitting several buttons on our scientific calculators.


Time passed by and Namjoon and I finally finished. We handed our paper to teacher.

"Wow, I'm impressed " our teacher complimented as she scan our work.

Namjoon and I did a high-5. I realized that we were the first ones to complete the worksheet.

"We make a good team it seems" he stated as both of us returned to our seats.

"Yeah we do " I agreed.

After awhile ,everyone else completed the quiz.

" Congratulations to the winning team, Namjoon and Yura. You don't need to do any homework for this week" our teacher proudly announced to the class. The others clapped along.

"As for the losing team, which is Taehyung and Jungkook. You will need to complete page 20 to 35 and you need to hand it in by tomorrow." I grinned at Taehyung. He just sigh in defeat.

" That's what you get for not being my partner, 'best friend' " I quietly said to him careful not to catch the teacher's attention.

"I'm sorry Yura. I thought Jungkook was--"

"Jungkook was smarter than me? " I sacrasticly spat. "Don't under estimate me, kiddo "I divert my attention away and ignored him for the rest of the lessom


The bell rang.. Yasssss finally lunch break.. My stomach was already growling. I quickly packed my stuff and head for the door.

" Hey, Yura. Do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends today?" Namjoon jogged by me matching my walking pace.

"Yeah sure, why not? "

" Do you mind if Ryujin and Jiwoo joined us?"

" It's fine"

" Thanks--"
He got cut off by a boy that literally just ran into us.

"I'm sorry for bothering your little talk guys. I'm Jackson by the way. Joonie's friend." The boy held up his hand for a handshake which I accepted hesitantly..

"Yura" I introduced myself.

"What a lovely name for a lovely girl"
He flirted. " Thanks " I was not comfortable with this kind of things so I excuse both Namjoon and I to the cafeteria.

As we reach there, a hand frantically waved at our direction demanding us to go them.

" Ohh those are my friends" he pointed towards a group of boys. We walked over.

"Hi! You are the new girl. Yura, right? My name is Jung Hoseok" a boy greeted me with a big smile plastered on his face.

"And this is Min Yoongi" he pointed to a pale boy that has a stoic look on his face. He gave me a small smile.

"Hyung where are the rest?" Namjoon question Hoseok.

" I have no idea" he replied.

For some reason Hoseok and Yoongi, which are two of the boys that I have to protect, looked extremely familiar. Even their names sounds really familiar. I remember that I used to called some people with that name but I couldn't proce--.

Just then, I remembered something that happened years ago.......

Author's note 📝
I decided to add Jackson from GOT7 as some cameo cause... why not ?

Edited ...wwell not so but yeah.. sort of



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