45 || Kɪᴍ Aʀᴀ

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"Straighten up your posture and walk

'Cause in the end you're unstoppable

Stand up wherever you go"

You'll make it with no trouble

"You'll see,"

The orange haired girl,  or Chaeyoung. from what the neon head said earlier,  strutted out of the room, for a reason that remains unknown. The other purple head just picked on her nails, making loud and annoying sounds echoing through the room

Not long after, the door opened once again but the orange head was not alone, there were a person wearing a suit that walked in with. The moment I caught a glimpse of the latter's face, my blood boiled and I could feel my muscles itching to free themselves to beat him up. Even Jungkook lost his cool and trashed in his seat, in attempt to attack him.

Son Taejin. That son of a b*tch.

A frown found it's way on my face. That douche bag had a cocky smirk and stood with arrogance radiating off his figure. If I could walk straight up to him and swing a punch right at him face, I would. These chains restraining me are starting to piss me off more and more.

"Long time no see Jungkook -oh and Ara. Of course, why didn't I notice this earlier" my body petrified and stopped fighting the strains. None of them knew I was Ara, not even Jungkook. At least not yet. I hung my head low, knowing what was about to come. Jungkook's head tilted in confusion, thinking the latter got my name wrong.

"Oh you seemed suprised, Jungkook!"

Taejin faked a suprised gasp. Jungkook had his eyebrows furrowed hard while the rest of them just looked plainly confused, staring at Jungkook, me and Taejin,  back and forth. At this point I didn't bother to open my mouth to deny anything. It was all gone. They were going to find out my secrets.

Taejin dramaticly walked around sighing deeply.

"She is not who you think she is. Her name is Ara. Kim Ara." he turned to the rest of them, I could sense their burning glare through my head.

"-and both Jungkook and Ara are agents. Y'know that spy thingy y'all see in the movies,"

Their eyes widen again as they stared at Jungkook and I. Some had disappointment painted on their faces, but some looked rather confused. Both of us just stared back at them with an apologetic look. Mark's face morphed into a frown, although I couldn't exactly tell why.

"This very Kim Ara, right here, was sent by the agency to attend your highschool. She was sent to disguise herself as the new girl. She was sent to protect you from any harm. With that she befriended all of you, merely, a part of her job-"

"That's not true. Being friends with all of you wasn't part of the job-"

"Even if it wasn't, it had to be done to make your job easier."

I couldn't say anything in defense. Because at the same time, he wasn't wrong. I let out a shaky breath before I spoke.

"Maybe, but I realized that I really wanted to be friends with you guys. Not for the sake of the mission." my eyes started to watered and I lifted my head to look at them pleadingly. They probably don't see the truth, but I have to try and prove it to them. The sooner,  the better.

My heart cracked at the sight. Some eyes soften the second mine made contact upon their's.  Some remain stoic, hopefully  because they were not believing the bullshit Taejin was spitting.

But Jungkook's face showed disbelief, as if he couldn't accept the fact that I lied to him the whole time, despite being one of the closest to him. Despite us keeping secrets from the rest together, he thought he could trust me enough. I've warned him before to not put his trust on someone blindly, in which he still did. The trust is now broken.

Out if the blue, the door slammed open, revealing two figures. One seemed too familiar, meanwhile the other had some resemblance with the first ,maybe a lot more older, but still wasn't a familiar face. Taejin bowed at them before the older man signalled him to leave the room, in which he obediently did.

"We finally meet, agent TK," the second, older one spoke.

"Sorry, but I really don't know you. Except for that douche behind you." I glared so hard at Jundo I could feeling myself shaking out of anger.

" Oh him? forgive my son.  He just wanted to mess with you at the lake that day,"

"Lake? So, you were the one that tried to drown me? "

The first figure smirk as he took a step next to his dad.

"Well, I guess I did"

My blood boiled once more and I balled my fist hard I thought my palms were going to bleed. I gritted my teeth together as I remained silent. I couldn't go through another outburst unless I want to die out of dehydration. The father, cleared his throat to cease the heavily tensed atmosphere.

Jundo went around and took off everyone's gags. Along with the girls.

"Have you introduced yourselves?" he asked the three girls who were each occupied with their own thing.

"Nope," the purple haired girl said, popping the 'p'.

"Well, shall we? Nice to meet you people. My name is Rose," the oranged haired's sickeningly sweet voice echoed off behind us. She introduced herself like like we weren't held hostage by them.

"Jisoo," the purple haired lazily slurred.

"The name's Lalisa. And we are, what you people call us, a gang"

"All of you?" Namjoon questioned. The  orange head shook her head before replying.

"Just us, the girls."

"They are from the Heist, an agency that is their agency's supposed alliance then blah blah blah, shit happened and boom now they are enemies," Rose nonchalantly or briefly explained with rather much disinterest.

"Does your gang have a name?" Taehyung's voice cracked slightly. He suprisingly spoke up despite his disheveled condition. The neon haired girl had a mischievous grin plastered on her doll face.

"We're Blackpink"

Playing 🎶
Double knot
~Stray Kids


A/n: Any thoughts? I know this is short but I'm sorry :(   Just 1036 words this time :(

Skz's comeback ksjsksjs
OK I'll leave

y e e t

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