22 || ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛ

435 18 0

Today, Mr.Kim the owner of Orynx, also known as, my father, called me, Moonbyul, and another four skilled agent for a short meeting.

"As you all know, the Kims, Parks, Jungs, Mins and Jeons, had seeked help from us to provide protection for their children because of their unknown amount of enemies targeting them on their back. Recently,the son of the Parks, Park Jimin became a victim in an attempt of kidnapping. Apparently, the attacker is Kim Seon Mi. Recently, Agent MB and Agenct TK had done some research on her and it seems like they found interesting stuff" My father announced to all the agents present.

"So, Agent TK and I have conducted some research and we found this." Moonbyul did something on her computer and a hologram screen appeared in the middle of the room out of nowhere.

"The suspect that attacked Mr.Park, Kim Seon Mi ,is a member of a famous gang name Blackpink. It is consist of 4 member. They are specialize in assassinations or any stealth needed crime. They are one of the most feared gang because of how clean their dirty work are done.

Even the police couldn't find a way to stop them. They also get away from law easily because they have some political contacts.

Although they don't hold any grudges with these important families, there is a huge possibility someone hired them to do this work but as you know, the members of this gang is really hard to track. We might face huge problems and obstacles. But we need to figure out ,one way or another, who is behind all this. "

The room fell into a long pin drop silence. Nobody dared to make a sound..
They all know who we're talking about...

"I think it's time to hunt them down and contact our old friend."


Sorry this is really short..

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