26 || ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴄɪ

313 11 0

Our Maths teacher entered the class, and the chatters start to decrease. We greeted the teacher before he settled down and told us to do our own work in condition, we keep our volumes down. We were in our group of friends around the tables.

Who expected, this nerd in disguise who is supposed to stay on a low profile just to keep watch of seven boys whose lives are in danger, without their knowledge, would make this many friends within weeks of being here in an environment she is unfamiliar with?

Nobody saw that coming, did they?

Neither did I expected to encounter my past.

Everyone was just doing their usual thing but something was off.

"Guys, where's Jungkook?"
The rest of us looked up and realize, Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

"Well that's weird. He told me that he would be staying with his cousins two days ago. But he said he would be back," Taehyung had one of his eyebrows raised. Maybe he had some mission going on?

"Maybe he was tired. You know that kid, " Yoongi just shrugged. They were probably used to Jungkook being absent because that's what's been happening for the past few weeks since he was often out for mission. Now that the thought came, wasn't he worried about his grades?

"Yeah he has been hanging out with us lesser than usual recently. It's very suspicious don't you think so? " Hoseok whispered-yelled to us the last part. If that's the case, I gotta tell Jungkook to refuse volunteering for mission because his friends are getting suspicious.

"Come on, guys. I think he just didn't set his alarm on time. He'll be here sooner or later." everyone just shrugged the matter off althouggt Hoseok seem not so convinced.

I stealthly took out my phone to text Jungkook.


Where are you? See you in 15. The janitor closet near the cafeteria


The bell rang and we left the classroom heading towards the cafeteria to get some lunch.

As usual, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Ryujin and supposedly Jungkook are here. But the latter never arrived.

"Ra have you texted Jungkook?" Ryujin nudged my shoulder. I ignored her using my real nickname because my disguise name too, ends with a 'Ra'. I nodded in response.

"Maybe he is busy getting nice scoldings by the discipline teacher," my statement made some of us burst into a fit of giggles, except Yoongi of course.

Today, Hoseok volunteered to get us our lunch. It's been a tradition where each day, one of us will get lunch for everyone, to safe some energy.

As if some sort of summoning was done by our conversation about Jungkook, a notification popped on my phone, notifying me that I received a text from him.



Where are you? See you in 15. The janitor closet near the cafeteria

Not at school. In the ACI, The Orynx. After school, be there. Don't worry I'm fine.



Wait, what! The ACI? Is he even fine? Tons of thoughts ran through my head as I think of the possibilities.

If y'all are wondering what's an ACI is, well here it goes
A= Agent
C= Care
I= Infirmary

It's basically the place where hurt agents get treated after missions. It's called the head quarters infirmary but it's more like a small hospital. If someone stays there more than six hours, it must be a serious injury. I could tell from experience.

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