29 || ᴛʜᴇ Hᴇɪsᴛ

289 9 0

Today is Friday, and it means, it's the end of the week. The time everyone that goes to school, dreads for, even me.

Mr. Song entered the classroom since we have Civic Ed. right now. We said our greeting to the teacher and sat down. To my luck, Jundo is seated next to me, because last week, Mr. Song decided to reshuffle our seats.

(IDK if Civic Education is a thing at your place but it's a thing in my country, my seniors had to do( but somehow I didn't have to do it) )

"Alright, class. Today, is a Friday and that only means one thing, I will be giving all of you a very fun assignment." the whole class groaned.

Cue the eye roll.

"Very well, now, would anybody like to tell me, what is family? "

Nobody responded to that. I wish I could imagine why. Looking around the class, getting such response, I decided to take things to my own hands. And also being a 'good student' I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Kang,"

"Family, people close to you that are blood related. Well, some are not, but as long as you care for each other, they're your family." I ended my words with a small smile.

"Very well,  Miss Kang. What about you Mr. Han.  You have been very quite during my classes. Perhaps, do you wanna to share the definition of family in your own words?" Mr, Song shifted his gaze to the devil next to me.

Jundo just eye rolled rudely, and packed up his stuff. I saw a flash of something in his backpack. I couldn't actually believe my eyes . What was he planning to do with it?

"Mr. Han, you are not excused from my class. If you leave, you shall be in detention after school for 3 hours!"

Jundo had a bland expression on his face as he ignored Mr. Song and stormed out of the classroom. Mr. Song just stared at the door Jundo just slam open and looked back at us with worried eyes.

"I didn't say anything wrong did I?"


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Slamming the door open to my shared office in headquarters, I threw my school bag and layed flat on the small couch, mentally groaning at the amount of homework the teachers decided to give as a token of 'appreciation'.

"School sucks, " I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Homework? Assignments??" I heared Moonbyul asking but I didn't bother to look at her, because I'm pretty sure her eyes are fixtated to her computer screen.

"I underestimated this, "

"You sure did,"

"Urgh, I think I'm gonna sleep for 72 hours every weekend,"

"You know that means you won't have time to do your school work, right? "

"I hate to admit this, but you're right, " I sat up straight staring at the blank wall before me, just try to process the amount of homework and assignments I need to hand in on Monday. This is worst than any mission.

"By the way, can you do an identity check on this person named Han Jundo?" I walked over to Moonbyul's desk across our shared office. Yes, we work together, well,  most of the time.

After few moment of Moonbyul keyboard smashing, she finally made a sound "I think I got something,"

"Fill me up with the details,"

I sat on my desk waiting for her to speak up.

"Han Jundo, new transferee of Haechi Highschool, seventeen years old, family status, consisting of him and his father, brother and mother, deceased." Moonbyul muttered everything so fast, that I could barely catch up with her.

"Ouh, and one more thing," she turned around.

"What is it?"

"You might wanna look at it yourself," with that I walked over to her desk and lean over to have a better view of the intel on her computer.

I read it out loud.

"Active agent of The Heist,"

"Wow, so, is this guy in you class or something," I didn't bother questioning her how she knew because, on the screen it is stated that he a student in Haechi Highschool.

"Yes, and he is not there for no reason. That, I know."

"So, You're saying right now that, an agent or a spy from another agency, that we are not in good terms with is, in your class? Isn't that dangerous?"

"Yes, it is, but as long as I keep my identity hidden, he will never find out, hopefully."

"Well, I mean he is dumb enough to use his real name during missions. I don't think he'll figure it out soon. "

"Well,  that's not my concern right now."

"Well,  what is exactly your concern?"

"The boys. I think Jundo is after the boys, "

"How did you know?"

"I heard him informing his boss, about some boys or something like that," I shrugged.

"Well,  there is a high chance,  although we are not so sure, but better safe than sorry. Y'know what I mean, " I nodded before walking off to the couch, drifting into dreamland.

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