5 || ᴛʜᴇ "ɢɪʀʟғʀɪᴇɴᴅ"

852 31 0

Warning: Is not that bad just mild cursing

Dᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ :)

I was still mad at that jackass. Who does he think he is? What in the freaky-frackity world is wrong with him? Because of him, I became soaking wet. I had to spend time drying myself and I knew I was already late for PE class. This is all his fault. If he wasn't such a jackass, maybe I wouldn't be late for class. I run to the court for PE. Just then I remembered that I knew nothing about this school. 

Great, now I'm lost and late for class.
I shouldn't have accepted this crappy mission. I walked through the corridors hoping that I will somehow miraclely find the court. I was really blur after the incident at the cafeteria. Do I really have to do this mission?

Maybe I can try to sort things out with dad and ask him to retreat from this mission. It's not like I'm scared but I'm afraid I couldn't be able to control my anger and punch Jimin in the face. Which is something I can't do.


"What the actual shit?!?"

I was too busy ranting about how unfair life is that I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up to find a girl with blonde hair-wait a minute.. She was the same person that was glaring at me in my first class. She was looking at me disgustingly. The hell

"I'm sorry for bumping into you" I bowed. But she instead just glared at me.

"Well I'm not. I'm here to warn you nerd" she started. Damn I don't like her already

"I'm sorry but I don't get it" I acted cool.

"Oh shut the fuck up and listen"
Oh great she cursed infront me. I held my anger that was slowly building in.

"Stay away from my boyfriend . He is mine and only mine. Your a filthy little kid that came to this very school today so people like you don't deserve to be near him"

"Who in the world are you talking about?" I asked, totally dumbfounded.

"I'm talking about Jungkook
You b*tch. Just stay away from him " . I take back what I said. I don't only not like her. I hate her.

"Excuse me, cupcake-face. But who are you calling a bitch?" yeah it's official.  We are enemies.

"And who are you calling a cupcake-face You're just jealous that I am more prettier than you and Jungkook is my boyfriend" she yelled in my face. I tried my best to keep a straight face and not show my anger.

"Well, in that case I'm not sorry but I'm late for class. See ya never"
With that I walked away.


"Yeah,  yeah you told me that already."
I waved her off,  unbothered by her annoying ass yelling.

🆃︎🅸︎🅼︎🅴︎ 🆂︎🅺︎🅸︎🅿︎

After five frustrating minutes, I finally found the court. It was located really near to the locker roon. Now I felt really dumb. Well, at least I made it. Although it took me an eternity.

"Excuse me, Teacher. I'm sorry for my late arrival. As you can see, I am new here so I was I'm not familiar with this school. My apologies again teacher" I announced to my PE teacher loud enough for Jungkook to hear me. I simply wanted to make him feel guilty.  He should though. Especially after his "girlfriend" confronted me for being too "close" to him. The teacher let me through and continued with the class.

"Sorry I didn't help you around, Yura. It wasn't my fault that I couldn't find you after you stormed away from the cafeteria" he mentioned as he walked towards me. I just gave him a what-the-actual-hell when he brought up about the incident.

"Well it wasn't my fault that some random jackass poured water on me and I needed to change" I spat back with much bitterness dripping off my tone.

My anger that disappeared earlier returned. I really need to restrain myself.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Are you okay. I mean, do you wanna talk about earlier. It's okay if you don't want to though" he gave me a look of sympathy.

"Well then. I, myself don't understand what happened earlier. That jackass said nothing to me. And I have no idea what made him do that "


"What?" I pretended like I had no idea who was Jimin. Although I do.

"His name is Jimin" he sighed.

"Ohh, I see but I still don't understand why? "I pretended that I had no idea who was Jimin.

" Perhaps, you might have said something to him earlier"

" Well, this morning I accidentally bumped into him. Then, in our first class we argued about our sits"

"Ah..  Now I see why"

"What do you mean? You mean all of 'that' were the cause. " I asked him

" Unfortunately, yes. He is very impatient and he hates people that goes against him. And no one dared to talk back to him" Jungkook's expression is unreadable. Like he is deep in thoughts.

"What's his problem?"

"Well, he wasn't like this before. It all changed since then. Before, he was the cheerful, innocent mochi I used to know. I hope he never changed" He was staring at the floor. I saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"What happened?" curiosity already rising.

"It's not my place to tell you. But you will find out some day " he looked up to me and grinned softly. I just nodded at his response.

I know it is not my business and all I needed to do is to protect these boys. But I'm just curious. I have heard about the saying 'curiosity kills the cat' but hey.. This cat right here has nine lives.  I was snapped out of my oh-so-weird thoughts when the teacher called me to attention. Today is gonna be a long long day. I sighed deeply.

Surprise.....  Triple update.. I hope I make it up.. For not updating for a whole month..  *winks...  And runs out if sight..
Have a nice day.


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