13 || ʀᴇᴀʟ Tʜʀᴇᴀᴛ

619 25 0

Sorry for late update <3

"What's wrong, Ara?" I kicked a pebble that was blocking my way.


"Bullshit" she sings in a creepy way.

"It's nothin-"

"Cut the crap and spill!" I know I can't fight her.

"Fine! Jungkook is a spy," Ryujin gasped. "And the worst of should I say best part is...." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"He works for my dad and my dad just happened to make me his mentor," I rolled my eyes. Ryujin's eyes widen in shock.

"Yeah, and yesterday we went on a mission together, his first mission"

"Was it okay?"

"It went well?" I shrugged.

"But, he told me to keep it a secret"



"Please, please don't tell anyone at school about this" he begged.

"Wait, so nobody knows about you being an agent? Not even your housemates?"

"Um ..Only my parents knows about this so... Yeah... Just don't tell anyone.

"Okay...." I don't think my dad told him that I moved in the school to protect him.

"Do you know any self-defense?" Jungkook tilted his head.

"Of course I do. How do you think I became an agent in The Orynx"

"Just asking" I quickly swept him off his feet with a tackle and he fell on his butt.

"Hey, that's not fair" he whined like a kid .

"Life is never fair " before he could react, I caught his arm and twisted it.

"Argh! Okay, okay you win" his expression was priceless.

"You need more training, Kookie" I said as I let go my grip on him.

"I guess your right, Yur-wait , what did you call me?"

"Kookie!" I mocked him again.

"Why that nickname?" He glared at me.

"It's cute" I pinched his cheeks to annoy him. He just rolled his eyes and giggled along.


End of flashback

"And yeah" I ended the story.

"Then why are you telling me?"

"Uh, you're a my friend and few seconds ago you yelled at me to spill the tea so I actually did it, not literally tho,"

"Hmm, thank you bestie,"

"We're always besties, ya know hoes before bros. Wait, it's the other way around but nevermind."

"Hmm, cool," Ryujin muttered to me but she was looking at something else.....

....more like someone else.

I turned around only to meet Tae that was grinning widely and waving at us. I waved back but it seems like his attention averted to someone else.......Ryujin. I watched as they both stared at each other. Taehyung walked towards us and I noticed Ryujin stiffened up.

"Hi, Ryujin, I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you," he extended a hand and she immediately accepted it.

"Nice to meet you too" she smiled sheepishly.

The bell rang interrupting them.

"So, I have Chemistry what about you"

"Oh me too"

" Great! Lets go together then" Ryujin blushed madly at Taehyung's offer.

And just like that they left me. Wait what. My so called best friends were too busy for each other that I looked invisible. What's wrong with kids nowadays?

I had multiple thoughts as I walked into my class. As usual I got stares, but today I heard something else.

"I heard that there is a new boy"

"Omg is he hot?"

"I saw him and yes he is soooooo hot"

"I hope he is gay"

"Omo I can't wait to be his girlfriend"

"Nuh-uh his gonna be my boyfriend"

I ignored them and laid my head on the desk.

Lucky for me, the teacher walked in before the class could get anymore annoying.

"Today, we have a new student. Come on in" I heard multi gasps and mummers as a boy entered our class.

"Hi, I'm Han Jundo" he waved to the class and had a totally fake smile on his face. He looked really suspicious. Probably just another problematic student?

"Great, you may sit next to Yura, Jundo. Yura, please raise your hand" I reluctantly raised my hand.

Jundo walked towards his new sit and sat on the chair without any words said.

Rude much. Speaking of rude, Jimin hasn't been bothering me. So far........

But, I noticed something else. Something very very unusual. Totally not normal for a schoolboy.


"Why did you call me up? I'm hungry" Jungkook whined like a baby. I texted him in class earlier to meet me at the rooftop during lunch break.

"Dude, it's about a new kid".


Sorry for the late update Guyseu... But I'm publishing it today cuz.. It's..
13th June 2019
Bangtansonyeondan's day
Yay.... Happy 6 years to all ARMYS and BTS💜💜
Our flight will be forever

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