2 || "ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs"

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I woke up early as my alarm when off. Urghhhhhhhhhhh... Why..?

I had no choice but to get out of bed and get myself ready. I when straight to the kitchen after washing up to find my father preparing breakfast.

"Good Morning, Ara. Ready for school?" my dad was making breakfast for the two of us. Pancakes, Yay. I silently cheered

"Good morning, dad. Yeah I'm pretty much ready for this 'fun' school. "
I said doing the quotation thingy with my hands.

"Come on, Ara. This mission is by far the easiest you've gotten. Why? do you not like it?" he raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing like that ,dad. But it's just that I've never been to a public school since I was 10. I have really bad social skills. I'm afraid I won't have any friends. " I sighed and poked my pancakes. They looked too pretty to be eatten.

"Don't worry. Just be positive. I'm sure you will be just fine. "

"Thanks dad. By the way, why do I have to be disguise as a nerd? " I asked as I put on my fake glasses. I pulled my long straight extensions that were in a ponytail.

"Just incase. You might not want people to think that you're someone dangerous or anything like that because you look intimidating all the time. Those glasses will make you look less intimidating" he said while sneering before giggling.

"Come on , dad. I'm not  that scary-looking. I thought it will be better if people were scared of me. "

"Come on, Ara. It's a part of the mission. Just play along. Now stop poking holes in your pancake and finish it, "

"Yes, father, "


After breakfast, I walked to my new highschool which is not far from my house. I kept wondering how my first day would be. I hoped today would be a nice day. I didn't realize that I reach school until I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Yah!. Watch where your walking ugly nerd,"

I look up to see a orange-headed boy looking at me disgustingly.

"Excuse me. Who are you calling an ugly nerd? " I spat forgetting that I was wearing a nerd disguise.

"How dare you talk back to me! You'll regret this" he said as he walked away towards a group of good looking boys. I'm guessing that those are his friends .There were also cupcake-faced girls watching the whole scene. Let me guess. They are those popular girls that every highschool has. I mentally eye-rolled.

Great. I made "friends" before even entering the school.

Those boys look really familiar. Just then I remembered about the brats I need to protect. Damn. My luck is really bad. I'm protecting the popular guys.


Author's note

Please take note that this is a Fan fiction. So it has nothing to do with BTS from real life. Their personalities are not related to BTS at all. I'm just using BTS the characters in my stories. I'm extremely sorry if my story appears offensive to you in any way.
Thank you very much for reading and hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters.. Trust me,  it will get better.

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