42 || ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀss

185 6 1

Playing 🎶

Music is a sea

Even when people turn away, we aren't lonely

As long as I stay with my heart

I can rely on a broken compass, ayy

Third person POV

➪︎ Previously on: Not A Nerd

Now that Ara had some time to think on her own, she recalled how she drowned, or rather what made her drowned. Ara frowned at her own thoughts.

She knew something was definitely off. Ara has her suspicion but she couldn't find any evidence on who to point this fault onto. But she knew she can't let this slip off, the culprit must be caught before it decides to danger anyone of the students. She can't risk anyone's life

➪︎ Currently on: Not A Nerd

"Kids! Gather around!"

"It's too early for this bullsh*t ," Yoongi groaned to which Ara nodded at, silently agreeing. Waking them up at 6.30 in the morning before making them do morning exercises was more than enough. But the teacher informed them that they would be doing another activity after breakfast. Here they are now gathered at the campsite. Some looked ethusiatic while some looked so done, take Yoongi as an example.

Nevertheless, they had to obey the teachers orders.

"As you were already informed, we will be conducting a mini game to encourage teamwork-"

"We've been knew" a rather annoyed Yoongi yelled, pissing off the teacher. The teacher spared a glare his way (to which he gladly returned) before continuing.

"Anyways, we would be doing a scavenger hunt.

"What are we? Nine? " a voice came from the crowd.

"Silence!" the teacher creepily scanned the crowd before opening her mouth once again.

"This scavenger hunt, however, will be a tad bit different. In each team, each and everyone of you would need to find a pair amongst your teammates.

Then, each pair will travel separately to look for flags. The flags you would need to search for depends on your team's colour that you will pick shortly. One pair is only allowed to bring two flags, one flag per person, back to the campsite. The first team with all the pairs back at the campsite will win the competition. Each pair will be given a compass to guide your way around. I wish all of you the best of luck. And of course, do not wander too far." the crowd became louder as the groups discussed amongst each other about the pairing and the flag colour.
Namjoon was the leader so he was the first one to speak up.

"So, let's make things easier for you guys, Jin with Jiwoo, Taehyung with Ryujin, Hoseok with Yoongi-"

"Why the hell am I stuck with this idiot again? " Yoongi complaint (again) as he pointed in Hoseok's direction.

"Idiot? I'm you best friend-" Hoseok tried to defend himself, though it seem useless because Yoongi is a hard-headed person.

"Any who, Yoongi you are still with Hoseok, Yura with Jimin and lastly Jungkook and I would stick together as a pair. Our flag would be a yellow flag-"

"Is it because we have yellowish brains?-"

"Can we stop cutting other people off? " Namjoon shot a glare at Taehyung and that shut him up.

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