20 || ᴡʜᴏ ɪɴ ᴅᴀ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ?

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"Ra, come over to our place this evening," Taehyung beamed infront of me.

We are sitting in groups in the lecture hall, along with Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and Ryujin. Few class were forced to combined because most of our teachers were absent today.

"Why though? "

"We are having a movie evening, "

"Sure, can Ryujin and Jiwoo come along? "

"Of course they can. In fact, I already asked them beforehand,"

"Okay then, " I pulled an annoyed face at the fact that he asked me, his supposedly 'bestie' the last.

I looked around and noticed some recognizable faces. Of course, Han Jundo just had to be here too.

Just in time, a random teacher entered the class and we greeted her. Out of boredom, I placed my head on the table, trying to take a short nap.

"Alright class, we have two new students that would be with us today,"

I mentally eye rolled. Yay! New students! Again!

"Hi guys! My name is Wong Yukhei but you can call me Lucas!" some cheery voice greeted us.

"I'm Mark Lee ," my eyes snapped open. What the-- , is that really, him?

"Okay boys, find your own seats," the moment the teacher excused them they went towards our table, for some reason?

My eyes searched his face. He definitely grew a lot more than I expected. Puberty did hit him hard.

His friend's eyes landed on mine as he flashed a toothy grin. I awkwardly returned it.

"Woah, they are coming here," Jungkook whispered-yelled to no one in particular.

All eyes were on the boys, well except for Jundo of course. Who was dozing off. Pfft, lazy pig.

"Excuse me, but can we join you guys? I mean all the other places are occupied. Hope you don't mind though," a deep voice startled me. It was that Lucas boy.

"Oh, umm--"

"Of course you can. Please join us, " Hoseok cut me in between and welcomed the other latter.

To my luck, Mark sat next to me. Not knowing what to do, I fiddled with my fingers.

"Um, hello I'm Mark, " his eyes searched my face. Oh shit! Will he recognized me?

"Uh, oh. Hi I'm uh--," what's my name again?

"Oh I'm Yura,"

"Oh then, Yura. Nice to meet you! Have we met? You seem very familiar.. "

Please don't recognize me.. Please don't Mark ..Not now at least...

"Hey, do you guys wanna sit with us for lunch??" Hoseok, over-excitedly ask them.

"We would love to join you guys," once again Lucas flash his charming smile.

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