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A reminder

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A reminder

A little note : the first few chapters might seem a little (very/extremely) CRINGY .. So, for the first few chapters, please bear with them, because my 12 to 13 year old self wrote them. But trust me the chapters will get better as you continue reading them :) thanks for reading and hope you enjoy my wild imagination ;)

I knock on father's door and entered after i heard a soft " come in" .
" Good Afternoon, father"
" Good Afternoon, Ara . How are your studies doing?" He ask.
"I have learned syllabus that the government don't even teach in highschools. So i guess it's doing fine. " I answered with a sigh.
"Actually, I need you to help me with a mission."

" A mission?" I asked "Please tell me it's not anything about being friends with a psychopath that is addicted to blood." The last time that happened , I had to witness her drinking human blood.. I almost convinced myself she was a vampire.

" Don't worry ,Ara. This time it is nothing related to, a psycho blood-addict. You would need to be disguised as a highschool student. At the same time, you would need to protect seven other students and make sure nothing happens to them at school. Their parents asked me for help to protect their sons at school because they have many enemies trying to hurt them, " He explained.

" Sons? You mean they are boys? Why am I supposed to protect boys. Aren't they strong enough to defend themselves?" I defended myself.

"Their fathers are rich businessmen. You know these kind of kids, they need professionals help," He explained.
(a/n: no offense rich kids)

"You will start your mission tomorrow. Your uniform and school supplies are prepared so you don't have to do anything. I suggest you to go home and rest the whole day so that you will have enough energy for tomorrow. These are the rest of the information for the mission "
He continued as he handed me a file.

"Okay father. I'll rest at home. See you later. Bye " I said as I left.

I walked home trying to mentally prepare myself. I have never been to a public school since I was 10. I don't have much friends as well. I wonder how I will socialize since I am bad at it. So I decided to text one is of my few friend, Ryujin.

Hey, Ryujin. I need to tell ask you about something important.

After awhile I phone beeped as Ryujin replied..

Ryujin 🐵 :
Hey Rara. What is it. Is it another mission? Is it dangerous? OMG. Are you gonna kill anyone??

Bruh, Chill it out. I'm not gonna kill anyone. I never do that stuff. This time, I have to attend a public school to protect seven brats. So I need some advice.

Ryujinnie 🐵 :
You came to the right place.
OMG are they boys or girls??


Ryujinnie 🐵 :
So all u need to do is be friendly. Talk to people. Especially those 7 kids. If you have to protect them, at least you need to be close with them. It will make your job easier cuz you know their whereabouts.

Alright, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Alright gtg. See yaa. Bye.

Ryujinnie 🐵 :
Bye bbg. Remember to introduce me to them if they are boys ;)

You :
I will if they are girls. Hhaahhahah

🆃︎🅸︎🅼︎🅴︎ 🆂︎🅺︎🅸︎🅿︎
🆃︎🅾︎ 🅽︎🅸︎🅶︎🅷︎🆃︎

I entered my room after dinner and started preparing for tomorrow. Someone came to my house earlier to send me my supplies for tomorrow. After packing, I went through the papers about the mission and I saw profile of seven boys. There were also pictures of them. Some looked familiar. It's like I have seen someone like them back then. But I couldn't recall anything from my fishy memory. So, I changed and went to sleep early.



A reminder

A little note : the first few chapters might seem a little (very/extremely) CRINGY .. So, for the first few chapters, please bear with them, because my 12 to 13 year old self wrote them. But trust me the chapters will get better as you continue reading them :) thanks for reading and hope you enjoy my wild imagination ;)


Future edit.

Random thoughts

#1 BTS, I would call myself a fan or what they call, ARMY because I have been listening to their songs, streaming their MVs, watching BTS, cracks and 99% of my storage is full with their stuff. Most ARMYs, stan and support them for the same reasons as I do. We, gather our forces and try to support them all we can through out their career. They lyrics are motivational and meaningful, their hardwork and effort are amazing, their dance is choreographed nicely and their heart and love for us, ARMYs are unlimited.

Fans usually expect their idols too be a 100% angel. They like their idols perfect, flawless and always positive. Well, not all idols could keep up with that kind of status. They try hard but nobody is perfect.

So. I suggest everyone, not only ARMYS to not be too judgemental of our idols. They are just humans, let them live.

This is sooooo random but I just had to let this out. LMAO 👋

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