17 || ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴏᴍ

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I saw something I wasn't supposed too.


In the dimly lit room...
The Jennie girl , was on top of Jimin..

Not that way,

But like she is on top of him. As in holding him onto the bed.

Her head snapped towards my direction at my shuffling. I instantly became alert and sober again. Oh how she has mistaken for not tying me up.

My eyes drifted to Jimin's tied up figure. His eyes went wide when he saw me. His screams was muffled because of the duct tape around his mouth. I didn't need to think twice to understand what was happening.

I lunged towards Jennie causing her to release her grasp on Jimin. Both of us fell to the groumd with a loud thump. I recovered from the fall quicker than she did and threw several punches toward her.

But she manage to somehow kick me hard in the stomach. I winced at the pain but I pinned her hands on the ground and used my weight to hold her legs down. She continued to struggled under my grip. I tried looking for anything useful nearby but I found nothing. Finally, I saw a pair of earphone cable across the room. I had no choice but to hold Jennie's hand using only a hand so that I could reach out to the wire.

But I underestimated her.
She was skilled that she somehow managed tackled my foot so I tripped with her on top of me.

"I'm sorry but the tables have turn" she told me with sickly grin.

"You wished,"

I reached out to the cable that's now closer to me. I whipped it and hit her in the eye. The second her guard dropped, I tore my hands from her grip and kicked her stomach. She didn't take it as well as I did . I took this opportunity to roll over and twisted her hand before tying them with the earphone cable earlier. With a single hand, I took out my phone which was in my pocket and dailed Jungkook's number.

"Where have you been, " he sounded worry.

"You need to to come up stairs and go into the room opposite the bathroom. There a slight problem up here but it's taken care off,"

"All right, on my way"he hunged up.

I glared at the back of the girl's head as I broke the silence.

"What were you trying to do to him?,"
Jennie just chuckled. I twisted the said girl's hand as she winced at the pain.

"Answer me or I'll break your hand before you know it,"

"I don't know. Playing Hide-n-seek ?maybe?"

"Not funny, "

"You lack the humor I see,"

"I don't play around when it comes to important stuff, "

"Important stuff?? Oh ! Come on that brat is nothing close to important. Unless, you are interested in money? "

"Stop the nonsense and shut up if you're not gonna tell me what is you're purpose in attempt of kidnapping Park Jimin,"

It's was peacefully quiet for a few seconds until she ruined it.

"You seem experienced. I wonder who do you work for. Perhaps, Solomon? Herman? Yakuza clan? Oh that's interesting!!" Jennie exclaimed imitating a fake child's voice.

"You're annoying, just shut up!"
The door slowly open up revealing Jungkook. He looked pretty shocked.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you should ask Jimin that," I bobbed my head towards the boy who is still being tied up on the bed.

The moment his eyes landed in Jimin, Jungkook quickly came to his aid and untied the ropes and removed the duct tapes on his body. Jimin's eyes were teary. The look on his face now showed no sign of the playboy/bad boy I use to see in school. Instead he looked like a child that was lost his way in the midst of a crowd.

"It's alright, your safe now, " Jungkook comforted the shaking Jimin.

"Not so though now huh, " Jennie had an evident smirk when she looked at Jimin. He just shivered under her stare.

Having no patience, Jungkook took the duct tape that was on the night stand and tape her filthy mouth.

"Now, shut up and sit quietly until the cops arrived,"


After 8 minutes or so, the blaring of police sirens were heard. Teenagers in the house quickly evacuated the party, afraid of any trouble to come.

I handed Jennie to the officers and they thanked me for helping them again. Yes, my father's agency help the police most of the time. So, it's not the first time it happened. The police rely on us on bigger and critical cases. We catch and they make sure the criminals don't escape jail.

Trembling Jimin's brother came to see his condition. I was a little touch by the scene. It was probably because I was the only child in my family. Nonetheless, I'm grateful with what I have in hand.

"Thank you, for saving my brother," Jimin's brother came up to me.
"No problem, I'm his friend after all. It's my responsibility,"
We chat for a little before he brought Jimin to his house.

I entered the beach house to find the officers talking to Jin.

"You are charged for helding a party that serves alcohol with students below 18 years old attending them," an officer told Jin who had a frustrated look on his face.

"Oh, come on. It's an open party, anyone is invited. Plus how would I know if they were 18 an above not?"

"But it's still illegal. You have to pay $1000. Come to the police station at 3.00p.m. tomorrow an pay the fine for breaking the laws" and the officer left a very mad Jin alone.

"Everyone! Assemble!" Jin called out as if he's Captain America calling out the Avengers. In a split of a second, every one who remained was there.

"Now that the commotion is over, I need to ask you guys something very VERY IMPORTANT," he raised his voice.

"Who called the damn POLICE!! "


I'm currently on a hiatus because of exam so.. Dont expect much... I haven't even started plotting the next chapter.. Because I'm still plotting my new story.. Fantasy is so much harder to plot.. So im gonna use the time after exam.. But I'll try to do few chapters for this book (N.A.N)

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