50 || ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴠɪsᴇ

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Warning ⚠cursing and foul languages and slightly intense violence/ torture

Guys, the violence/torture here might be a little disturbing. I apologize in advance.

An excruciating pain pierced through my skin from the back of my shoulder. My shrieks keep getting louder as Lisa pressed the metal rod against my skin harshly, marking it with glowing metal. Tears streamed down my face fast and I let out a loud cry as she pulled the metal away from my back. All my friends' yelling and shouting were blocked as my ears ringed and my vision went blurry.

"Get the f*ck away from her, you b*tch!" Mark growled at Lisa. She just waved him off and place the metal rod back in it's place.

"The great Agent Kim Ara isn't so great now is she?" Chaeyoung giggled in joy feeding off my pain and wailing. The burning sensation felt worse when she walked by and pressed on to the already damaged skin causing me to scream one more time. My body felt so lifeless as the torture continued.

This time, Jisoo took a very sharp blade that glinted in the dimmed place, reflecting the minimum amount of light in the underground warehouse.

She spinned them around her fingers, strutting towards me, taking her leisure time. I flinched when her fingers touched my wound, shivering as she trailed her fingers across my back to the other shoulder, before decorating my skin with cuts, right on top of my left shoulder blade. I winced and yelled in pain as each cuts felt deeper, than the previous.

I can't help but react to the pain but I won't give them the satisfaction by begging them to stop. It's better for me to receive all the pain before help arrives and we can get the hell out of here.

"Quiet the tough one, aren't you? Not giving up yet?" Chaeyoung bend down infront of me, moving my now sweaty hair away from my face.

I just grumbled under my breath at her and spat at her face. "In your f*cking dreams,"

"Bad idea,"

I earned a  tight slap from her, the multiple rings on her slender fingers making deep cuts on my cheek. I could already feel blood trickling down my face, staining my top.

"Watch your pretty mouth, little agent. You might get yourself killed-," Chaeyoung was interrupted by a loud bang coming from above us, followed by a few more that shook the warehouse.

"What the f*ck was that?" Jisoo was first to act, snatching a rifle from one of their men. The rest following suit running towards the side to grab a weapon. The ground shook one more time and that's when it snapped me to reality.

"Turn off the cameras, we've got incoming," Jundo ordered their men, taking a glock from the back of his pocket. Chris and Felix did the same, avoiding suspicion. Mr. Han and Taejin fled the scene, realizing the danger.

The good news is, help is here and most of their men was sent out along with Jisoo and Jundo.

The bad news is, we are still stuck here with Lisa, Chaeyoung and three other guards. Chris and Felix could carry out their plan if it wasn't for them being outnumbered. Guess we would be doing what we need to do,


I looked at my hands that were cuffed to the wooden chair. Analyzing the chair, I realizing that one side of the arm was slightly broken, probably because of all the struggling earlier. I mentally figured what we should do. Five people , three of them with assault rifles, one with a pistol and the other with a revolver. Rifles are useless in close combat.

Guess I'll have to hand them a helping hand. I signalled Felix to Lisa who has the pistol and the other two guys next to Chris, with rifles, in which they nodded.

"Hey big guy!  You really think your tiny guns would be useful?" I yelled at him, making him turn around, losing his temper and placed it against my forehead, unclicking the safety pin. I only smirked in response, totally confusing him. The act was cut short with Felix hitting Lisa on the head with his rifle, knocking her out and Chaeyoung letting out shots in his direction.

"Everyone get down and shield yourselves,"  I yelled just in time before Chris shot the other two guys that were distracted.

The commotion was enough for me to totally break off the arm of the chair and reach my hand out to grab the pistol from the big guy before kicking him in the groin. I used the other hand chair to drag the chair and swing it towards him, completely knocking him off consciousness. I took this opportunity to aim at Chaeyoung's arm, making her let go of the heavy rifle.

The both of my shoulders still stung but I shrugged the pain off and focus on saving my friends. I went over to Jungkook unlock his cuffs using the keys I found on one of the bodies.

"Take these and uncuff the rest, and make sure you use those cuffs so those guys don't run anywhere," I placed the keys in Jungkook's palm and told him what to do. Grabbing Lisa's revolver, I ran off in search of Mr. Han.

"Raven!" I turned around seeing Felix's running in my direction.

"I'm coming with you,"

"I don't think you should,"

"And why is that?"

"They need your help. You need to stay. I'll be oka-"



"Stop saying you'll be okay. We both know you won't be, at least not alone." He stared into my orbs with strong intensity making my nerves jelly for moment but I snapped out of it and finally nodded.

"Right, let's go," he patted my shoulder in support but I winced, almost forgetting my wound.

"Oops, sorry?" he cheekily grinned. I returned the act but punched his arm back with my unfounded arm. Now, feeling better, we disappeared behind the doors, where we last saw Mr. Han and Taejin ran off to.


Sorry I lied hehe another chapter coming up

Love, Venz.

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