49 || ɴᴏ ɢᴀɪɴ, ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴘᴀɪɴ

200 3 0

cursing and foul languages
as well as violence

(author-nim is sorry in advance. I know not all readers are off-age or old enough for all the cursing and swearing but they still read it and even they do it themselves in their daily lives but I'm just trying my best to  not be one of those people that pollutes kid's brains sksjk that's why I'm censoring words.)

"Keep moving, b*tch" an asshole rudely shoved me from the back. I grumbled under my breath at this mistreatment. Not that I expect anything better than this because I was kidnapped. They won't treat me any nicer.

At the moment, they were transporting us from the old room to a another place in which still remains a question. Luckily,nChris and Felix left after we discussed a plan quickly not long before they came in contact with the device and help us activate it. We could only cross our fingers for help to arrive in time before any unwanted misfortune falls happens.

They made us walk in a line with several buff guys placed in between us to keep us moving in line and of course to stop us if any of us tries anything funny.

The dark hallways were finally but slowly lighting up as we reach the opening of it, revealing  a much bigger space. Judging from the surrounding, it must be their agency's illegal underground warehouse or something.

There were plenty chairs scattered around, I'm assuming that were set up for us. The Blackpink gang members were there, as well as Chris, Felix, Taejin, Jundo and his dad, Mr. Han.

I caught Chris staring at Ryujin, who was being held by this intimidating guy and I can tell he is not enjoying it. Oh how, he is going to so regret for ever touching her. Time passed by painfully slow for us and each and every one of their hostage were cuffed to the chairs. It was much more comfortable than being tied to the chair with those irritating ropes so I'm not complaining.

"I think every single one of us are clear about what's going on. Should we get started?"

"Not we are not f*cking clear, What they f*ck do you even plan on doing with us?"

"Torture you of course! Don't worry, everything will be recorded and the whole Korea will watch it live. Isn't it exciting!" Rose cheered excitingly, like a child that won a prize at a colouring competition.

"That's just f*ckimg sadistic. You're f*cking twisted, " Yoongi snapped at her, making her facial expression change from happy to angry.

"I would want to watch that mouth of yours if I were you. That way, your torture might be less painful." she glared at him harshly, while Yoongi returned the favour, burning holes through her very unpretty head.

"What do you even get by doing all this? You people are f*cking psychos you know that," Namjoon bursted, couldn't except the fact that the handful of us are about to receive some painful torture.

"So we've heard. But we like it, and we'll keep doing what we enjoy," Jisoo bit his bitter comment positively.

"Enough talking, we should get to business," with that being said they, started setting up a number of cameras from different angles around making sure they face us. They even put on a mask to conceal their identities and geared up. A random guy push a trolley with various equipments, which I'm guessing that they are using them for this torture session. Oh hell no.

"Are the cameras rolling?" Mr. Han observed the whole situation from behind the cameras along side the ones that are not doing the torturing which includes Chris and Felix. They both looked at us with sympathetic looks knowing that nothing could be done at the mean time until back up arrived. They couldn't possibly help us fight these people off, we are outnumbered.

"They will air in a few seconds boss,"


I eyed Jiwoo who was on my right, the closest to the trolley. She was visibly sobbing and shaking even by the sight of the sharp tools.

Lisa was the first to break the silence after the cameras were rolling.

"Hello people of Korea! Long time no see! Actually, we haven't really seen each other that often. Today, our very honourable guests will be joining us ." Lisa wave ethusiaticly at the camera, as if she was talking to her fans.

"First, we have, the ultimate, Kim Seokjin, the heir of the Kim's and Kim Taehyung his little brother. Next to them we have, Kim Namjoon, their cousin. All three of them grandchildren of the Kim Southeast Bank. " Chaeyoung announced, beaming at the camera beneath her mask with her sickly sweet voice.

"Here, we have Min Yoongi, next in the line of Min Oil and Resources. As well as his friend, Jung Hoseok and of course his sister Jung Jiwoo, the future holders of the Jung Hospitals."  Jisoo stood next to the trolley, touching each and every tool carefullly before looking at Jiwoo with evilness glinting in her yes.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Lisa grab a metal rod, which end had a symbolic metal structure to it. I've seen it before, the same symbol or burn patches if scars craved on my aquantainces that were kept tortured, although the meanings remained unknown to us.

"We also have Park Jimin, son of the Park Corporation and Jeon Jungkook, the heir of the famous Jeon Industries. That other girl and that guy werw well, some bystanders that was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Bad luck I guess." Lisa motioned to Mark, then Ryujin, playing with a strand of her hair. Ryujin tried her best to move away but being cuffed wasn't helping her. Taehyung grumbled under his breath at the Lisa. Even, Chris was already looking uneasy behind the cameras.

Lisa walked over to the nearest pit of burning coal letting a few metal rod rest in it.

"Ah, our very last, Kim Ara. Not anyone famous. She is an agent of the Orynx. Ever heard of them? No? Well, they are some agency and their headquarters is right here, in South Korea, always ready to stop bad guys. The typical agent job you can say." I didn't directly look at the camera, or even have the energy to, so I looked down, my hair covering my face. I just drummed my nails feeling a little impatient at how slow things are taking.

"Today,  we will show the world, what Miss Kim Ara here, one of the top agents of the Orynx is capable of." I knew what's about to come, I was first. I could feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes and I glanced at Mark, who was situated on my right. It reminded me that I deserve what ever I'm about to get, after everything I've done and put them through. It's on me.

"What are they going to do? Ara? Why are you crying?,"

"I'm sorry Minhyung," he was startled to hear that name. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"You- I never told you that name right?" I just shook my head yes with tears streaming down my face. Lisa then took the metal rod and slowly walked over standing next to me a glowing metal rod in her hand.

"Of course, you have. Don't you remember me? It's Raven, Mark." I slightly laughed with tears decorating my face.

"and Raven will never forget you," with that being said, I let out a shierk of pain.

~A/N : *sighs* This might be the second last chapter... but tbh idk ;)

BTW how's it? Hmm?

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