35 || ᴍᴀᴛʜs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇx

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"So, can anyone tell me what's the gradient of 3x - 5x=15?"

"It's y = 3/5x ,Sir."

"Thank You Ms. Kang," I lazily flop on my chair. It was add-maths, and I'm currently sitted next to Namjoon.

Since last week Saturday,  Jaemin, Renjun, Jeno and Jisung wouldn't stop texting me. They also thanked me for giving them Chenle's number.

Chenle explained that his phone was confisticated then, thrown by his parents and  lost contact with his friends. That was the reason why he had gotten a new phone and a different number.

Class ended faster than expected so Namjoon and I walked silently towards the cafeteria. The latter was usually silent so it was a comfortable situation for both of us. Spotting a pair of hands at waving at us, we walked towards our usual table. It's been the same for the past week. Jungkook attended class with a casted arm, so homework is an exception for him, that lucky piece of meat.

Everything was normal today, the same ol'  Jungkook and Jimin  unnecessary argument, Taehyung having sweet talks with Ryujin, Yoongi and Hoseok being invested in their own world -well something was definitely off.

Jin who is usually cheery and talkative, is now silently, staring at his food with sad eyes,  and Jiwoo is doing the same but she had eye bags hidden under some concealer.  Jin and Jiwoo kept stealing glances at each other.  The whole time Jiwoo tried ignoring him, but Jin made it look too obvious.

I took a deep sigh. I wonder what happened.

"So, I noticed, you, both of you, are not in your usual state. Did something happened between you two?" Jimin decided to question them since it was bringing an uncomfortable atmosphere to the table. Glad someone else noticed it.

Jiwoo just continued to stare at her food and leave the matter out but Jin looked like he wanted to say something.

"Well, we just talked, nothing much."

After that, Jiwoo scoffed and left the table. Jin left the table to follow her but Ryujin grab his hand, not allowing him to do so.

"Let her be,"


"I think she needs space,"

"So, care to explain?" everyone faced Jin when I asked, demanding for an explanation of the current situation.

"Well... "

Third person point of view
(a day ago)

The bell chimed, indicating someone had just entered the cafe. The door closed behind Jiwoo who just walked in the cafe. She looked around until she spotted a familiar face. Meeting gazes with the said latter she waved a hand and smiled before settling down on a chair.

Jin watched as she recollects herself and took out the materials for the assignment they wanted to complete together. He couldn't lie at the fact that he was extremely happy, having to go out with her,  even if it was just for the sake of an assignment.

"So, shall we? "
She grinned back at him.

"We shall. "

It's been 45 minutes since they started on it and finally they were finishing up the assignment. Jiwoo sipped her caramel latte before packing up her stuff. Jin took this opportunity to take in her beautiful features. Eyes that shine under any light, long wavy locks, cute nose and luscious pink lips. It's been awhile or rather years since he had a crush on her. But he didn't want his friendship with Hoseok and Jiwoo to be affected by his actions so he decided to keep quiet about his feelings for her.

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