51 || ғʟᴇᴇ

248 4 0

Once again, sorry I lied. I didn't know it would turn out this way, I swear. I thought it will end in 50 chapters :(

Warning ⚠cursing and foul languages and slight. violence and negative self talk.

While we were checking each and every hallways for any signs of him, Felix and I heard noises that sounded like a helicopter hovering above us, that's when we knew how they was going to escape.

"Raven, follow me, I know a quicker way up." Felix grabbed my left arm and guided me to a separate hallway, into a room. We opened the door revealing a long ladder. Felix was first and I went directly behind him. He pushed the trapdoor, concealing us from reaching the surface. However, it won't budge.

"Dude, can you tilt your head to the right" a thought strucked me.


"Just do as I say,"

"Geez, okay" Felix inched to the side before I pointed the revolver towards the lock, freeing us.


"I know," I chuckled at him. The both of us climbed out revealing an open area, the chopper dock not far from us.

"Very well, Kim Ara. You've been taught well," the both of us spotted Taejin and Mr. Han

"Son Taejin and Han Myungsoo, you are not going anywhere," He held his hands in the air when I aimed my revolver at him.

"You think so?" Taejin continued smirking, refusing to drop his gun. I did what I had to.


He dropped to the floor clutching his bleeding thigh, accidentally letting go of his gun. He tried reaching out to it, but Felix shot his shoulder, stopping him reaching any further.

"It's over Han Myungsoo. You've got nowhere to run now." I shot his leg making him fall to his knees when he tried running.

"Hands on the back of your head Han Myungsoo. How dare you use the death of your own son and manipulate us to join you on your stupid quest to take the Orynx dow-" a shot rang, cutting- off Felix.

"Felix?" I snapped my head in his direction because he wasn't responding but the sight made my heart dropped.

His figure fell to the ground with a loud thud. Everything happened in slow motion. I panicked when I caught sight of a growing red spot on his white tee before running to his aid and held his body.

"No! No,"

I took his jacket off and lifted his shirt to find a bullet hole on his side. Not wasting time, I tore a clothing material from his very own tee and wrap it around his torso, making sure there's pressure on the wound.

"No, no no no. Felix, stay awake. Do you hear me?" I lightly slap his cheek. His eyes was barely open but it held a mixed of emotions. Mix of pain and betrayal. "Hold on buddy, and keep putting pressure on that thing-"

A chuckled was heard from behind me and I felt a gun being pressed on the back of my very head. I wiped the blood coating my hands on my pants and slowly turned around.

"Han Jundo," I glared at him menacingly, my temper barely being in place.

"Who else, b*tch? I was aiming for you but instead I got the boy , well I didn't lose much." he chuckled in an unfriendly way then looked at Felix.

"Aww, is your friend in pain. Does he want me to end his suffering?".  I growled at Jundo.

"Leave him the f*ck alone. Do what you want with me. Just leave them alone," my angry outburst shifted fast to me asking him to spare Felix. I've failed once again. I couldn't be responsible for any more suffering. They don't deserve it. Heck, they wouldn't even be in this position if I wasn't here. Maybe I shouldn't even be here.

"I think it will be more fun to kill them off, don't you think?"

"Please, why are you even siding you father?"

"You people are the cause my brother's death!  That is why I wanted Orynx to be destroyed completely off the face of the Earth "

"No, we are not. It was an accident Jundo. You can't just point fingers and accuse us for something we never did."

"You people made an enormous mistake and because of that, Jisung is dead." Jundo was shaking with anger radiating off him. To be honest, I would have reacted the same way. I can't really blame him.

"But that doesn't give you the rights to take other's life to avenge your lost."

"Enough of this nonsense, we are leaving. Despite being shot in the leg, Mr. Han limped his way towards the helicopter and prepared to flee the scene. Jundo followed him in, dragging then shoving me in the flying vehicle.

I can't exact let them run away, untraced. So, this time I willingly volunteered as a hostage, since I couldn't get any help at the moment. But I will find the right time to strike.

I looked out, once again, seeing Felix's fallen body and Chris running to his aid. I gently smiled seeing him receiving medical assistance. At least, he is save for now.

Then, I saw Jungkook running to the edge of the chopper dock, spotting me in the same helicopter with Mr.Han and Jundo. But it was too late, we were already mid air flying in the air.

I turned back to Jundo and Mr. Han who were still wary about my presence since I willingly allowed myself to be taken as hostage. I observed the surrounding, realizing that we were flying above a lake. I only sat closer to Jundo and smirked at him.

"Have long ass ride," were my last words to Jundo before I pushed him off the helicopter, making him fall into the lake. Hopefully, he doesn't die from drowning. I quickly reached for his glock that he left behind, placing it's tip on Mr. Han's head.

"Make the helicopter land!" I yelled at him over the noisy environment, in which he obeyed but he did it slowly. Losing my patience, I shot the front shield of the vehicle. "Faster!" and he shakily did it at a much quicker pace.

I grabbed a couple of ropes I found behind, serving in my convenience, and binded Mr. Han's hand together, ever so tightly, preventing him from doing anything funny and pulled him away from the pilot seat.

I let out a loud sigh, and made my self comfy on the chair.

"Now, I'll just wait till those slow pokes to find me and I'll be heading home,"

I know this ending sucks but let's be honest, I suck at everything.

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