36 || Cᴏᴡ-sʜᴇᴛ

221 9 0

I took the books I needed for Geography class and headed off. Sadly, it was the only class I had without the boys or Ryujin and Jiwoo. Mark is in my class too but  Jundo is sitted next to me. Yikes.

Entering the class, I made a beeline for my sit. Pushing up my fake glasses and fixing my fake frizzy hair, I took out my Geography notes and studied for awhile, because I barely studied although today our teacher would be conducting a small test, obviously to test our knowledge.

I felt the chair next to me being pulled and then someone sat on it, also known as Jundo. I ignored him while going through the notes.


"Are you going?" Jungkook asked, glancing my way before his eyes locked on the road once more.

After school, I've decided to tag along with Jungkook, like I always do. He was driving us towards the headquarters because apparently he needed to finish his reports on a previous mission.

"Going where? "

"You know,  the camp this weekend?"

"What camp?"

"You didn't see the bulletin board?"

"Well,  more like never bothered to check it out," I glance at him, answering sarcastically.

"Oh. Anyway, the school is organizing a camp. But it's only limited to 40 students. Each must be in a group of 10 people. That means there will be 4 groups. The camp is meant for us to learn about teamwork, blah, blah, blah and blah," he mumbled the rest of the information.

" Wow, very informative," once again, sarcasm laced in my voice.

"So, you going?"

"Yeah, I'm going if all of us are going."

"Great,  because I took 10 forms and registered our names already," he proudly admitted. But then, I mentally calculated all of us and realized that our numbers exceeded 10.

"But,  not all of us are in,"

"You mean Lucas, Jungwoo and Haechan?"

"And Mark," I corrected him.

"Of course, why would I forget your future husband," I raised a brow his way.

"That's pure cow-shit, "Despite feeling the heat rushing to my face, I managed to croaked out an answer.

"Oh really? I have seen the way you look at him, Yura" he raised a suggestive eyebrow, imitating me.

"Ugh, whatever. I'll just text him."

"Sure,  go ahead, " he chuckled lightly.

Fishing out my phone from the front pocket of my jeans, I scrolled through my phone for  Mark's contact. Tapping on the message sign, I began texting him.


Hey Mark

It's Raven|

It's Rave|

It's Rav|

It's Ra|

It's Yura.

Oh hey Yura!

It's funny how you got my number but you've never ask me for it..

Oh Hahaha. Right, sorry. I got it from Jungkook

Oh,  I see

What is it you wanna talk about?

Well, you know about the camp right? Well,  I'm really sorry. The number limit for a team is 10 and Jungkook has registered for us but unfortunately,  you,  Lucas, Jungwoo and Haechan were not be able to join our team because we can't exceed the number limit : (

Oh, actually it's okay. We will just form another team with other people.  You don't have to feel sorry, it's not your fault. Besides, Jungkook had informed us earlier.

Oh,  he did?  Hahaha sorry my bad . I hope you will be able to find a team before the registration closes. : (

Don't worry, Yura.
Anyway, gotta go. Talk to you later!
: )

Sure! ttyl

"You didn't tell me you told him already," I fired a glare at Jungkook but he just chuckled.

"You wouldn't text him if I did, " he just grinned, and gave me a knowing look.
He does have a point. The car pulled over in the parking lot of the headquarters.

"Urgh, forget it!" was the last thing I said to him before storming off into the building.


Honest thoughts?  On the book.. I have a reminder though. This book is heading to its main plot... Like in about few chapters? I'm trying to get to the main plot..

Read chapter clues for, well, clues..

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