38 || ᴡʜᴇᴇʟs ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜs

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"Wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round,"

Apparently after an hour through the bus ride, the people sitted behind us, namely, Taehyung and Jin, got really bored after singing along to some kpop group called BTS and decided to sing a toddler rhyme instead. I could hear Yoongi groaning at the back since he's sitted next to the immature teenagers. Ryujin just shook her head at her boyfriend's childish behaviour

"Wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long-"

"Would you guys shut the f*ck up please! I need to get some f*cking rest." yup, Grandpa Yoons is angry.

"Then, we shall sing a lullaby instead"
Yoongi eye-rolled at Taehyung and and Jin, who started singing another lullaby. It went on for minutes and no one stopped them because it wasn't as annoying as the rhymes.

"Go the sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep my little angel. Go to sleep, got to sleep, go to sleep my little angel..."
They were interrupted by a loud snore, suprisingly, coming from Yoongi. Everyone held their laughs in, because they knew, disrupting Yoongi's nap would mean only one thing, and we all pretty much value our lives.

After 10 minutes of trying to cool the hype atmosphere down, the bus was finally peaceful and quiet--

"WE'RE HERE!" nevermind, forget what I said. The curtains were still closed but Hoseok had looked outside to see that we have arrived.

"Everyone! Look outside" with that, many still conscious students peeked out of the window in awe. Some sleeping figures stirred awake because Hoseok was just being, well, the Hoseok he usually is.

Well, it's wouldn't hurt to look outside so I reached over Jungkook's sleeping figure (he must be dead asleep is Hoseok's volume couldn't wake him up) to pull the curtains aside. An audible gasp left my mouth.

The lake was as beautiful as the lakes you would find in the movies, completely surrounded with the forest, although there were several cabins here and there. The landscape was just breathtaking. Well, maybe this trip wouldn't be as bad as I though it was.


Everyone unloaded themselves and their belongings from the bus, I was quick to be out because I couldn't contain my excitement much longer.

I walked around and spotted few empty grassland, which are probably where our campsite is.

"Alright everybody please gather yourselves here in your respective groups and pick yourself a leader and an assistant to assist the leader. The faster we get over with this, the faster we will start our activities!" looking over the crowd, I saw my dorky friends across. I squeezed myself between the crowd. At some point I almost loose my balance because someone pushed me. I mentally counted us and found out that Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jiwoo, Ryujin and I are all in a group.

After minutes of arguing , we have finally came to a decision on who would be our group leader. We settled on Namjoon as our leader because he seemed to be the most responsible one here, other than me of course. So, I was voted as the assistant.

My eyes accidentally trailed somewhere else as I heard a familiar voice.


I overheard their group talking about having Mark as the leader and Jundo as his assistant. Their group consist of Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Jisung, Jungwoo, Lucas and Jundo.

The teacher then called the leaders and their assistants to take the things we needed through out the camp. My head was filled with the thought of Jundo being here and the boys safety. I really hope he won't cause any trouble during the trip but the thought wouldn't budge because he must have had a reason following the boys even during a camping trip.

Namjoon and I grabbed everything our teachers provided us with and headed back to the gang. I accidentally bumped into something that caused me to drop whatever I was holding or worse, I fell on my butt. I raised my head only to meet the eyes of someone who has been on my mind, in a negative way of course, and that instantly made me frown.

Speaking of the devil. He didn't even bothered to apologize. His stupid face showed no emotion. Even if it did, it was pure hatred. Glad the feeling is mutual.

"Are you okay?" Mark who wasn't far away from the scene rushed to my side. My eyes immediately left Jundo's resting-b*tch face and it travelled to Mark's concerned one. The frown on my face decreased and faded away eventually. Mark collected the scattered items and offered to me up which I gladly accepted.

Luckily, Jundo was not anywhere in sight or else I would have lost it and kicked him right in the area where the sun doesn't shine.

"You good?" Mark questioned me.

"Yeah, thanks Mark" was all I said before I scurried away from him because my cheeks were heating up. I can't believe I couldn't control myself when I'm near him.


Next chapter published!

Honestly I got the idea of the whole trip thingy because my last memory about school before quarantine started was the librarian's camping trip we had. We spent the whole morning in the library before heading off deep inside the jungle where we had no line. It was a turn off that we had no line but it was definitely worth it because I considered it as our time off books duty, computers and basically social media world. We had 50% water activities for a whole two days. I had been to many camping trips before but they were discipline camps, which was over the top strict I almost thought I was at military service. But this one was meaningful and full of adventures but it wasn't too strict either. Honestly, it was the best camp I've ever had in my life. Have you had any great camping trips before? If so, how was it?

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