25 || ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ ʜᴀɴ

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Left, right, left ,right, dodge, dodge...






. ...


Left, right, left ,right, dodge, dodge...



Left, right, left ,right, dodge, dodge...

I repeated the pattern again and again until my knuckles gave out and I collapsed on the gym floor. I stared at the ceiling with tons of things bugging my thoughts but my mind was too hazy to figure it out.

The search of Blackpink was slowed down because of the lack of information we have about them. They were still active but all the traces were blown away by the wind. Seon Mi wouldn't give out any information despite the effort our best manipulator did to get them out of her.

No physical torture would do the favour because our company does not encourage such violence against the guilty once. 

Jungkook would go on occasional missions but I'm not allowed to go on any until I complete my current mission. School has always been boring except for PE and dance class. The recent encounter with Mark was still shocking but I couldn't do anything about him, because I'm on a mission, and during a mission, no connection must be made. I think I have already broken that rule.

Third person's view

Somewhere else.

"Remember Ukraine?" Boss asked Jundo. This made Jundo focus his attention on him.


"They just told me that a missile heading your way. You have 10 minutes. Avacuate the building immediately!" a young Jundo was sitting next to the Bang Chan who was in charge of monitoring the ongoing mission. Jundo wanted to be watch how great and dangerous missions were handled. Unfortunately, this time, it all went the wrong way. Nobody knew that it was coming.

Jundo panicked when he knew what was going on. His brother and friends were still inside the building. He was shaking uncontrollably. 

"Not yet, there are people that need our help. We need to try to get them! "

"No,  you can't. There is not enough time!" Jundo snatch the comm and plead his brother.

"Trust me on this Lil kiddo, okay?" Jundo was already bawling his eyes out when he heard his brother.

The original monitor quickly informed "Okay but,  you gotta hurry up. Time is running out! "
Jundo prayed hard so there was enough time for his brother to make it out with his friends..

"Agent Han, this is a really bad idea. You're not gonna make it in time. Just get out of there for God's sake! "

"How many minutes left? " Jundo was on the verge of crying.

"Five more. It's time, you need to leave that place now!"

"Alright we'll get out. We found all four hostages already.  We managed to escape from the Russians. "

Some rustling was heard through their comm.

" Uh, well shit. We're stuck , the original exit is locked. Can you find an alternative pathwaysfor us?? " his uneven breathing could be heard through the comm

"Turn left and take the emergency staircase down, and hurry,"

A sudden alarm could be heard through the comm.

"Ah we're damned ,the safety bars are down and all the building's exits are lock! "

"Go to the basement, there is a underground shelter basement there, make sure you're secured behind the doors!" Jundo sigh in relief as he thought about his brother is gonna be safe soon.

"Hopefully it's strong enough for it to hold the missile"  Agent Han's saddened voice spoke through the comm.

"Move faster, scratch that, run!  You only have a minute left! " Jundo now is in panic mood again. Would they survive? That question wouldn't stop bugging him since just now.

"We're in" from Agent Han sounded through the comm. Both the monitor and Jundo sigh in relief once again. All they can do now, is to hope for the best.

"Please be safe, Jisung hyung....."

Jundo muttered before hearing a loud explosion booming through the comm.

End of flashback

A lone tear left his eyes

"It's was the Orynx, they were the ones who did this to your brother , "

"I don't need a reminder" Jundo sternly stated despite knowing that he shouldn't have done that.

"I feel like you do. You have been slacking from your job. A lot less committed.. Why?  You have gotten a soft heart?  Just like Jis-"

"He was just kind hearted. It's not his fault-"

"Now, now. I don't like your attitude. But you must also know that he died because of his kindness. Kindness makes you weak. And just like what happened to him, it would happen to you if you continue this ridiculousness. Understand? Do it. For Jisung and  the Heist" the  pats the latter's shoulder as an act of affection.

"I understand,  Dad  ," a hint of bitterness laced his trembling voice.


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So basically,Han Jundo is the brother of Han Jisung. If your wondering what happened to him, well .... That's what happened ; )

And you're right, Boss is Jundo's father a. k. a.  Mr. Han

Love, Venz.
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