14 || Sғ9

583 22 2

"Stop making assumptions, Yura"

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are" the silence on the rooftop disappeared in seconds as we argued.

"Your saying that the new kid also known as Han Jundo, is a spy? "Jungkook whispered-yelled at me.

"Of course! What kind of normal 'highschooler' wears some earpiece at school,"
"You mean an earring that looks exactly like an SF9, "

A/N: sorry if I offended any SF9 stan. I mean I just needed to put them in cause they are so cool. If you haven't , make sure to go and check them out! I

"It IS an SF9!!" I made sure to emphasize my words.

"There are many types of earrings nowadays, not everything looks like an SF9........ Maybe these glasses are affecting your eyesight," his hands lifted to reach out for my fake glasses.

"I know what I saw okay" I slapped his hands away before he could touch my precious fake glasses.

"Whatever you say, Yura" he shook his head in annoyance.

"Oh Shut up"

"Well, you should stop wasting your time worrying about this nonsense" he left me alone at the rooftop. Maybe, I should just follow Jundo incase I find anything useful. Even Jungkook can't stop me.



"Ms. Kang, would you mind answering the question on the the board for us" the teacher snapped me out of my trance.

"Yes, Maam" I stood and headed to the front of the class. I wasn't really paying attention in today's lesson but I managed to solve the equation on the board without calculator. I sat back at my table and started dozing off again..

Flashback (earlier that day)


"Mr. Han, no sleeping in class! Especially on your first day"

"Sorry, Mrs. Lee . I think I need to use the washroom for a moment" he stood up and left.

"Teacher, may I use the washroom too? "
With that I went after Han Jundo. I used all my stealth skills from years of training to follow him.

My steps came to a halt as the said boy walked into the storeroom. I decided to peek at the small opening of the door.

He was taking out some device from his pocket and hit a button on it that cause his 'earrings' to beep and red light blinked.
I silently cheered as I recognized the device.


I heard him speaking through the 'SF9'. It wasn't all clear because he was talking softly but I could definitely comprehend some of his words .

"I found the boys"
"Don't worry Sir, I will take care of the problem"

End of flashback

I let out a sigh of worry, thinking about the event that occurred earlier. What if the 'boys' he was talking about is......

The 'boys' I'm supposed to protect.
If that's so .... I'll have to be extra careful

The real threat has arrived..
What am I gonna do about it?

I let out another sigh of frustration.

Sorry my dear friends
I when on a long as hiatus without telling you guys..
The truth is my high school has been giving me a lots of trouble. Plus my grades drop recently ,so I was feeling more pressured to study harder. So yeah..
Initially, I started writing on Wattpad to kill some time, and distract me from all my problems, more like an escape platform from reality.
But eventually, it consumed me whole cause I got addicted with stories..

MAO OK bye, have a nice day

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