48 || ɢʀᴏss, sᴡᴇᴀᴛʏ sᴏʟᴇ

184 3 0

Playing 🎶

"I don't want to continue listening

Your cold voices, even with my ears blocked

Everything's useless, all these disappointing stares

I can't see a thing"

Warning ⚠ = cursing and foul languages.

"Long time no see, Christopher,"

"What the hell are you doing here, " Ryujin glared off at the said man. Chris's eyes trailed to Ryujin's figure in the chair not far from mine.

"Oh hello to you too Ryujin, it's been awhile." a not so friendly grin made it's way to his face.

"Shut up Chan, I'm not your old friend for you to greet like that," Ryujin spat with utmost hatred.

"Now, now, that's not how you greet your ex boyfriend do we?" Chris smirked at her, watching her face fall.

"Ryujin, you never told me-"

"I'll explain later Taehyung,"

"Okay so mister bad guy, you used to be in a relationship with Ryujin? Ryujin! You knew all the time about this secret agent shit?" Jiwoo lashed. Taehyung looked at Chris with anger and a tiny hint of jealousy.

"Uh, yeah I guess. But I never knew it was going to turn out this way. Don't worry though, Ara will figure it out, right Ara?" I just gave her a hesitant nod, not really knowing how to get us out of this mess.

"No one is going anywhere until our business is done. Do you get it?" Felix, who barely spoke finally did. The old sunshine I used to know was no longer visible. I could only see a new side of him and I hated it.

"What do you people even want from them? Is revenge on the Orynx what you want?Why involve them? They're not apart of this mess-"

"This mess? The Ornyx caused this mess in the first place. If it wasn't for you guys our friends would still be alive and healthy. Your f*cking agency can't just pretend nothing happened after f*cking up a whole damn mission and killing innocent lives just to save some stupid classified files." Chris yelled ferociously at me, making me slightly tremble, feeling his wrath stored up for a long time. His face was a deep shade of red from all the yelling.

"I understand Cha-

"No, you f*cking don't Raven. You don't know how it feels like to lose the people you love dearly," that hit a nerve in me that I never knew I had. My eyes shook with anger mixed up with pain. I looked up with tears brimming in my eyes, ready to spill it's contents.

"Yes I f*cking do Bang Christopher Chan. I f*cking do know how it feels to lose someone dear. I lost mother to a car accident on my birthday Chris. I was just a little pathetic girl- that lost her mother to a car accident Chris. You don't get to tell me how it feels to lose someone. You just don't." my voice cracked and toned down into a whisper at the end of my outburst. I was visibly shaking with the two Aussies that stood before me were shock with my reaction.

"Then, why are you siding them? Why are you still with the Orynx? They are murderers,"

"No Chris, they are not. You guys were brainwashed by whoever your boss is into thinking that the Orynx killed off your people but that's not how it is. The whole fiasco was just an accident, a miscommunication. You were there, I thought you knew better,"

"I was there, I had to witness it, actually all three of us were there. I saw everything with my own eyes, the Orynx where with the Ukraine authorities that launch the missile. They could have stopped it."

"No, they couldn't have done that. The Ukraine government launched it themselves. At least we tried to get them out,"

"You still didn't,"

"I know, I'm sorry for everything that happened back then, but please do me one last favour, Chris. Just spare some innocent lives, at least their's. They don't deserve to be here." I jutted my head in their direction. I looked at them, my friends, some old, some new. All of them held different expressions, some slightly smiling, some empty, some scared. I can't drag them into this. They have more to life than this.

Felix sighed loudly, taking a chair nearby, facing it backwards and sat on it. Chris look at him, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Now, what can we do?" I looked at him in shock, expecting  a sarcastic remark.

"Wait, so you're taking their side now?" Chris was stunned too, he looked at his best friend in disbelief.

"I trust her, we should at least try to get them out of here," he gutted his head towards the rest.

"Alright, if that's what you want to do..," Chris trailed his words, after getting on the same page as Felix.

"Since you offered, Kookie, give them the shoe will you," Jungkook who was lost in the midst of the situation was startled.

"What?! You are going to trust them just like that? What is they were plotting against us," he rambled opposing the help we are about to get, not that I blame him, really.

"Do you want our help of not?" Felix aggressively stared at him, looking straight in Jungkook's eyes, sending shivers down his spine. The poor boy looked scared of the younger boy.

"Uh, maybe?"

"Actually, I'd much rather risk getting their help then not getting help at all. Kookie, the shoe if you may, " with that, the said boy kicked the shoe towards the two Aussies' direction, oddly enough, landing perfectly. Guess he got use to the nickname I gave him already.

"And what exactly do we do with this?,"

"Underneath the sole, you will find a device. Flip the switch for us, will you?"

"Gross, why the hell am I suppose to touch this sweaty ass sole," his made a disgusting face eyeing the shoe. I only smirk in response.


Playing 🎶
~Stray kids

( A/N) I guess y'all would have guessed it by now that Skz mem(e) bers will be making a comeback in this story. I was still debating in calling Chan either Chris or Chan.. Any who, that's why I keep using the lyrics of their songs to open up the chapters ahaha.. They are cameos here but I might make a whole new fanfic for them? 👀 or perhaps NCT instead? 👀 or Ateez? 👀 I actually planned on making Ateez a cameo here but
:( it didn't happen.

Yeah and another notice, this book is ending :") I'm sad but yes I'm excited to complete this book. My first official Wattpad book! Well, yes although I have another short story completed before this, and that book was actually the third book I made. These days, things have been hectic so yeah, I hope y'all can be patient for awhile.

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