27 || Tʜᴇ Rᴀᴛ

326 12 0

"What in the freaky-frakitty world is going on?" I yelled as I barge through the doors of the ACI. Everybody stop working, shocked about me yelling, which was definitely a bad sign to them. It was from experience.

"Where the hell is Agent JK? " I questioned the guy at the counter before his shaky hands pointed towards Room C. Once again I barge through the doors of room C, this time. A sight of Jungkook in an arm cast greeted me.

"Listen, let me explain-"

"Oh you better do it quick before I break your other arm-" I grabbed a flower vase next to his resting bed. A look of fear flashed true his eyes as I lifted the flower vase.

"Okay okay relax! Please, put that thing down!!" I let out a sigh and listened to the latter. I took out my pen knife and started fiddling. Some habit I have when I'm frustarted.

"First of all it wasn't easy to type with one hand that also belongs to an injured shoulder."

"Why can't you use your other hand?"

"I was busy holding my banana milk in my other hand" I face palm at his dumbness.

"Well then, tell me how did you get injured? Who did this? Who is in charge of the mission?" I started bombarding him with questions.

"Uh, so what happened was, I was on a mission where we had to catch the drug dealers while they were doing the deal. So, that what I did, I chased them, they tried to run from me but they failed to do so. " Jungkook answered with a proud smile plastered on his bunny face. But I just stared at him with a poker face.

"Hey! Don't give me that look, I didn't do anything wrong! "

"Then explain the injury."

"Oh, this?" He pointed at his bandage-wrapped shoulder .

"Uh, someone accidentally shot me while trying to shoot the bad guys,"

"Who exactly is that 'someone'?"

"Uh-I c-can't recall who?"

"Don't make me ask you again, Who the hell is it." I glared at him in warning but spoke with a calm composure

"U-uh if I'm not mistaken it's Agent TJ" He whispered the last part.

"And who is in-charge of the mission?"

"Agent TJ?" I knew something was wrong when that name was brought up again.

"Good, I'll be off now. I need to run some errands. Y'know, busy and stuff "

"Yeah sure, I'll be scrolling through Eggnoid while you're gone"

I marched down towards Office 4, the location of the 4th highest position agent, Son Taejin. The one that had always hated me, and of course I would gladly return the favour.

His assistant, Haerin greeted me as I passed by but I ignored her, I never liked that fake lady anyways. I barged into his office, without knocking.

There he was, sitting with his eyes locked onto his computer on this desk.

"Have you not learn any manners like knocking the door of a ranked 3 agent's office?"

"Unless if it was your superior then I supposed you watch the way you talk to them." his eyes snapped to me in realization.

"My apologies Agent TK. What might be the matter that brings you here." You can literally hear the bitterness in the tone he used, probably because I would never visit his office unless I was there with a bad news.

"I need you to explain about what happened to Agent JK" I commanded him.

"There is not much explaination behind it. Agent JK was shot in the shoulder by one of the enemies in a gun fight. It happened two days ago, while we were on our mission. I suppose it is not unusual if an agent ,especially the newbies, get hurt during mission because of their lack of ability." he shrugged it off like it was a small matter. Maybe for him, but definitely not for me.

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