10 || Lᴏᴏᴋ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ Yᴏᴜ!

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Lucky for me , from home to school was not really far .So I decided to walk back home. Dad said that I don't need to go for much training anymore since I'm on a long-term mission. I only attend trainings at the company on weekends.

The warm breeze hit my exposed legs. I have no idea why did the school uniform needs to be really short. I felt really uneasy in it. I passed by bus stops, lane of houses and several alleys.

My slow pace came to a halt when the hear a loud scream. My head snapped quickly to the direction that I thought I almost broke my neck. Loud cries of help were heard as I approach a dark alley.

My heart dropped at the sight. A boy around my age was groaning on the floor while another was beating him up. I recognize the poor boy because he was wearing my school's uniform but I couldn't get a glance of the other.

"STOP RIGHT THERE" I yelled as he was about to land another fist on Woozi's face. The evil school boy turned around to face me.

"Well well, if it isn't the 'nerd' again trying to save someone's ass" he had that smirk plastered in his stupid face. Again...

"Stop bothering him Park Jimin" I sternly said in my most intimidating voice.

"To my surprise, your not the typical nerd . Although you look like one" his smirk grew even wider as he start stepping forward. My feet automatically reversed itself.

"Just go away and leave him alone" my feet tumbled upon a rock that magically appeared and I fell on my butt. Great.

"What are your gonna do about it nerdy.." he squatted down to my level and still had that smirk on. I badly want to slap the shit out of him now. Now. I just realized that ,the boy on the floor, Woozi had already ran away through the other side of the alley. So much for returning the favor.

"Look behind you!"

He was dumb enough to listen to me and turned around. I smirk to myself and ran away before he knew it.

🆃︎🅸︎🅼︎🅴︎ 🆂︎🅺︎🅸︎🅿︎

I was binge watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon when my phone suddenly went PINGGG PONGGGGG PING PING POONG!!!

I rolled over my bed and reach for it whilst trying to balance the bowl of popcorn in my other hand.

It was a text from Dad.

Come to the company now. I need you to help me assist a rookie ASAP.

Okie, be there in 10.

See ya


I quickly slip into some jeans and a hoodie. I didn't bother to bring my disguise along but I made sure to put on a mask. The pollution is pretty bad anyways.


"Hey, Ms. Seulgi" I greeted the lady seated at the front office. She has been working here for a very long time (let's just pretend that she is 29). She is a very nice woman that does her work efficiently.

"Good afternoon, Miss Kim. Your father is waiting in his office" she bowed politely after me.

"Come on drop the formalities already Ms. Seulgi. We have been friends since forever" it's true she knew me since I was little. She even played with me when my dad is busy with work.

"Alright, Ara" we giggled together.


I knock on the door of my Dad's office that is located on the 55th floor. I normally help my dad to teach the rookies since I am experienced in this kind of stuff. Well, what do you expect. My dad owns the company, of course I need to train to become the best of the best.

"Come in"

I entered the room. It was well arranged cause my dad likes his things to be organized and not messed up. He is seated behind a wooden classic table dressed up in his expensive suit. But something else caught my attention.. Or more like someone else.

That 'someone' turned around to greet me. We both bowed and finally I caught a glimpse of his face..

And he was definitely not who I expected to see................


Sorry if this chapter is not fun or exciting. Well this is my second book that I have ever written in my whole life.. And I'm still learning how to write my stories in a more interesting way. I even starting reading guide books to writing better stories... I'm sorry for any inconvenience..


Author's note
Please take note that this is a Fan fiction. So it has nothing to do with BTS from real life. Their personalities are not related to BTS at all.
The storyline is fully written by me. Plagiarism is a crime. If you want to repost it. Please kindly comment in the upcoming inline comment.

......Comment here.....

I'm just using BTS as the characters in my stories. I'm extremely sorry if my story offendes you in anyways.
Thank you very much for reading and PLEASE VOTE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

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