44 || Cʜᴀɪɴᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇғᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ

181 3 0

Playing 🎶

"I ran all the way here without resting

Why are my surroundings still dark

Why does time saying it's going to fix this
Are words that only bring me fear"

"Well hello there,"

Not replying, my eyes scanned the room I'm currently held captured in. My eyes widen as I caught a sight of other hostages behind me. Jin, Jiwoo, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Ryujin, Jungkook and......


They were all chained up against a metal chair just like me. Except they were all gagged. My heart broke at the sight. They look disheveled and scared as the looked at me with a pleading look. Jiwoo's and Ryujin's eyes were teary as they looked at their significant other. They were never meant to be here, stuck in a mess I was supposed to handle this myself. I was supposed to protect the boys from any harm.

I finally looked over at the girl earlier. Her face held a smug look as she smirked while taking in the state we were in. I glared at her devious eyes hardly.

I felt defeated. Being chained up and held as a hostage wasn't my cup of tea when it comes to missions.

"Who the hell are you and what the heck do you want from us," I pretended to play the victim, which isn't entirely a lie. I totally do not want them to find my identity and kill me before help finds its way to us.

"What a way to greet someone. It's really unfortunate you know. You, and the other two girls, along with that boy" she motioned towards Mark who looked both suprised and scared at the same time.

"You weren't supposed to be here. You four, just got in the middle," I glanced behind me and witnessed their sad faces transforming into a frown as they furrowed their eyebrows. Mark stared back at me with a raised eyebrow. Probably just noticing they I was the only one without a gagged. This made me curious too. I just hope it is because they haven't found my identity just yet.

"How so?"

"Four of you were present in the process so, we just had to take you in. The more, the merrier"

"We?" I still have no clue on who are they. They could be associated with the Heist for all I know since Jundo was present during the camp. I'll have to be extra careful unless I want to get a free ticket to the afterlife.

The girl chuckled as she stared at all of us, tilting her head from side to side trying to look confused, which flattered in a matter of seconds as she laughed loud like a maniac. Another two girls came rushing in. One with a fiery orange hair and one with dark purple hair. At least these psychotic villains has got a good sense of fashion.

"How are you treating our guests?" the orange-head asked with

" The VIP style of course," the neon-haired- girl smirk grew wider. I scoffed loudly. Being chained up and was definitely no 'VIP style'.

"Why is she not gagged?" the shorter girl who kept silent raised an eyebrow, eyeing me. The neon-haired-girl faced me and put a fake pout on.

"That one had a gun and a compressor with her. I thought she might want to explain why," shit.  I should'nt have brought those. I tensed up, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I could even feel them on the back of my head. Dear lord. I managed to finally squeeze an answer out of me.

"My dad gave it to me incase I stumbled upon a bear or something scary in the woods," I quickly answered. Maybe a little too quickly.

"We'll see about that. Before that, I thought you guys might want to see someone. He has been wanting to meet the faces of you people for awhile now. Chaeyoung go get-"

"Who?" I bravely interrupted her. The orange head instead answered with a smug grin plastered on her face.

"You'll see,"

Playing 🎶

- Stray Kids


(A/n: I got too excited and cut down this chapter to 699 words only. Sorry kids) double update to make it up for the hiatus

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