39 || sᴡɪᴍ ғᴛ.삼겹살

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We had a simple lunch consisting of fried rice and boiled egg along with some spinach, which the teachers claimed to be 'healthy' before we started pitching our tents, gathering firewoods and  just arranging things so that the stay would be comfy and fun. Ryujin and Jiwoo keep complaining on how we had no Internet reception around. Jimin and Jungkook are setting up the spot for our groups bonfire tonight. The others lend a helping hand to the teachers, who were setting up the barbecue set because we are having a barbecue feast tonight, which I am definitely looking forward to.

Our teachers informed us twenty minutes beforehand to change into our swimming attires by thirty minutes, which means we would have ten minutes left to spare before our first activity.     

I took my phone out of my back pocket and started reading the latest wattpad update that I saved into my library earlier so I could read it offline.
( A/N: literally what I did during my camp but I ended up dozing off)


Ten minutes passed by in a flash. and now we are all gathered next to the lake.

The first activity today was kayaking. Basically, each group would be sorted in pairs since one kayak could only take two at a time. We will be having a relay race, back and forth across the lake. The first pair would need to switch places with the pair on the other side whom will continue the relay. That means there would be five pairs in each group. The first of the last  pair to reach the end would win the race for their team.

I was paired with Jungkook as we both lost in a rock, papers, scissors game with our teammates and we would be the last pair which will determine our group's position. Not to brag, but I am pretty confident about this. I mean, both of us aren't agents for no reason, right?

We took our positions in pairs as our teachers explain the safety and precautions with us wearing safety jackets. I gently practice swaying the paddle to prepare myself.

"Nervous?" Jungkook asked from behind me. I turned around and gave him a smug look. "Not one bit, bruh". Which he gladly return a nod.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping in me as our teacher blew the whistle indicating the game has started. Namjoon and Hoseok were out first representative in the relay race.
(a/n: 94'liners bros are the best)

They started of pretty well, so currently our group are leading in second. Our other teammates continued cheering on them. I looked on my side and realized Jungkook and I would be going against Lucas and, well,  Jundo. Oh, how happy would I be if he lost to us.

After while,  it was finally going to be our turn, Yoongi and Jimin were paddling fast but still, we were second in lead. Lucas and Jundo had already paddled off when we just started, which gave them a five-seconds headstart.

Lucas and Jundo is a strong team of buff guys but kayaking isn't all about body strength but also speed and consistency. We were about two meters behind them and we could feel our hands are starting to tire out. Jungkook and I let out a final battle cry as we started to increase our speed a little which definitely gave us a boost.

The finish line is about 5 metres away and now we are parallel to the rival team. Even, other teams had their attention on us because we were near the end. I could hear people cheering for Jungkook and I. As if it fueled our already burning muscles, we managed to cross the finish line before Lucas and Jundo despite it being a pretty close call. The cheers roared louder than ever and our teammates congratulated us.

"Congratulations to the winning team! As a reward,  you will receive an extra set of samgyeosal (porkbelly: 삼겹살)  for dinner tonight. Now, all of you can go for a swim in the lake but please be careful and do not wander off. I expect all of you to be back before 5 in the evening " The smiles on our face never left that evening as we jumped into the lake and enjoyed our time together. For once, all the worries I had about the boys' safety had gone down the trash can.

"Cannonball!" Hoseok yelled before jumping off the wooden deck located next to the lake, which creating a huge splash. We spend the next 15 minutes just splashing each other with water and swimming around.

All of the sudden, I felt something wrapped itself around my ankle, pulling me towards the bottom of the lake. I choked on water because I didn't get to catch any breath before being dragged down. Panicking, I trashed around trying to make whatever that was holding onto my ankle to release it's grip but it wouldn't budge. I couldn't call for help because I was underwater, I only managed to flail my hands around, hoping someone would notice me.

My eyes started to close and I was slipping out of consciousness. The feeling of something gripping my ankle was gone but it was too late. I couldn't find the strength to swim back to the surface as my vision went blank.


Oops, did she die? 👀 Hahah sorry didn't mean to kill her yet. Or did I 👀?

A double-update because it was too good to not publish..
Thanks for supporting this book!

Love, Venz

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