24 || ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴏʟᴘʜɪɴ sᴛᴜғғ

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"Ara? Are you busy?" dad knocking on my door startled me. I was laying on my stomach scrolling through news, incase there were any suspicious activity.

"No, nothing much, why? " I raised an eyebrow.
"Put on something appropriate, we have some guest downstairs and you should greet " Dad said eyeing my Dora the Explorer pyjamas.


I was downstairs not more than five minutes later. I heard noises coming from the living room and rich people's chatter.

"Yeah,sure she will be here soon- oh there she is. Ara, Come join us!"

I spotted a family of three, consist of a middle aged couple and a boy my age who I assumed is their son.

"Hello, my name is Ara" I bowed respectfully to them and return their grinning faces.

"Hello, you can call me Mr.Zhong and this is my wife," the lovely looking lady offered a hug. I was startled by the act.

" This is my son, Zhong Chenle "

That name rang a bell, but I couldn't remember why.

"Now, why don't you kids go have spend some time at the backyard. The adults would need to do some talking" Chenle and I walked through the back door of the house and enjoyed some fresh air. There was a pretty awkward tension in between us so I tried to break it.

"So, you can speak Korean? Your surname sounds like you're Chinese, " I asked the innocent looking boy.

"Ah, yes. I am Chinese and I'm from Shanghai but my family moved to Korea for business purposes."

I nodded in response.

"So, you got to Haechi highschool?"

"No I don't, I used to but I moved to another school,"he shooked his head. The atmosphere turned blue and I could sense how his mood was down and he looked rather, sad.

"Do you wanna talk about it? "

"Uh, maybe next time. I'm not in the mood for it. Do you go to Haechi high school?"

" Yeah, I just moved in there," I looked up to see him a little lighter than earlier.

"Uh, do you perhaps. Know anyone by the name of Jisung? Or Renjun?" something clicked in my head.

"Wait, so you are the Chenle!"

"I guess I am? " he raised a brow.

"You friends were kind enough to offer me a ride to school when I had no transportation. They also mentioned it would be great if I met their friend, Chenle! "

"I guess they haven't forgotten about me... " he muttered to himself with a grin growing on his cheeks.

"You don't hang out with them anymore? Why? "

"It's a long story but I'm responsible for it. There was nothing I could have done to fix it... "

"It's okay, there is always a solution to every problem. Even if you may not be able correct the mistake but you can reduce it effects."I tried cheering up the Chinese boy.

"I'll see what I can do about it... Thank you!"

" Anytime, kiddo" I ruffled his hair and giggled along with him. His laugh echoed throught the backyard.

Suddenly, I looked at him seriously, making him freeze.

"W-what? "

"You sound like a dolphin," I burst out into a fit of laughters.


Am I adding in too much of new characters??
I guess I did. Hahahahhahahahahahaa lol
OK bye I'll leave

Love, Venz.

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