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Thanks for reading this book,  I hate to break it to you but this book is ending. This will be the last chapter I'm publishing as the epilogue. :")
(I got a tiny thingy in the end so stay tuned)




"Are those mine?"

"Um, I don't know?Maybe?"

"Liar," sneakily, I stood up from the kitchen counter, picking up the ice-cream tub, running away to the living room from the kitchen.

"Get back here you nasty kid!"

"None can do," I giggled , avoiding Jungkook's poisonous hands. Jumping from one couch to another, I used my quick legs to get away from the hyper boy.

"Give it to me, Ara..." he whined like a small child. "Aww, I will if you would work harder on your not impressive aegyo," I pinched his cheek making him whine once again.

I was over at the boys' mansion, paying a visit like I always would. The rest of them left to get some stuff for the party we were about to throw.

It's been two months. Two months since everything ended.

After the incident, the agency found the helicopter with Mr. Han and I in it. They also managed to capture Jundo, wandering in the forest, drenched in lake water. The members of Blackpink too, are now in custody, as well as everyone involved with the kidnapping. Felix and Chris though, were an exception. I told the agency that they were our allies, which wasn't a lie, well most of it.

As for Felix's condition, he lost a good amount of blood from the shot. Luck was on our side because they got him to the hospital just in time and he is currently as good as new.

My mission had basically ended and my dad offered me to moved out of Haechi Highschool.

Guess what? I rejected it. I found happiness there and we would be graduating soon. So, whats the point on moving out now?

The doorbell rang so sudden, snapping me out of my  little trance.

"Kookie, would you get the door for me!,"

"Only if you give my ice-cream back,"

"Never mind that I asked then," I stood up from the couch and walk to the front door, checking who was behind it using the peek hole. The faces made me grin and I excitedly welcomed the guests in.

"Renjun, Jaemin, Haechan, Jeno, Chenle and Jisung! Long time no see, you boys look taller since then," we laughed along while I open the door even more widely, allowing them to enter.

"It hasn't really started yet since the guys left to get some last minute extra snacks, but please help you self with the existing food section." I motioned them towards the long table filled with edible goods arranged accordingly.

"Kookie, attend our guests please." Jungkook entered the living room, greeting the our newly arrived guest. We decided to only invite close friends because we were definitely not planning on hosting a big ass teenager party. Not one for me.

I guided the boys in the house, moving things in place, before checking my phone for notifications, since my phone kept buzzing earlier.

You've got one unopened notification

Ryujinnie 🐵

Ryujinnie 🐵:
Rara! We'll  be arriving shortly, the boys just came by and picked Jiwoo and I up

we are on our way

See ya

You :
Okie dokie
I'll see y'all too :)

Ryujinnie 🐵 :


The doorbell rang for the second time, indicating the arrival of more guests. I pulled the door open right away.

"Mark! You came!

"Of course I did. Anything for you love." he hugged me and gave me a quick peck on the lips making my face heat up.

"Come on guys, not in public. Don't make me puke here. " Jungwoo popped from the back, with a hand latched on Lucas' shoulder, both making a disgusted face. his comment made me turn into a darker shade of crimson.

"Shut up Jungwoo,"

"Hey, I'm older than you Mark. Show some respect"


In case anyone was wondering,the answer is yes.

Mark and I got together after clearing things up. He found his Raven and I found my Minhyung. Back then, if I knew I would be reunited with with the first boy I ever liked, I would wheeze my guts out. But here I am, proving how the universe works it's wonders.

Not long after, the boys returned home with more snacks for our event, also bringing Ryujin and Jiwoo along. Felix and Chris were also invited to to the party. Earlier that day,  I helped the boys decorate the house, so when everything was set, Namjoon gave an opening speech.

"Thank you everyone for coming over, we really appreciate it. The reason we are here today, living happily, is our live saviour, Kim Ara. So, special thanks to her. Is there anything you like to say? "

I waved back at him, raising my can of soda as an act of acknowledgement. I stood up and glanced at everyone in the room.

"I hope each and everyone of us will have a much better, better life from now on. Also, to every 17 years olds in this room, this toast is made in honors of us graduating in two more weeks!" I held cup of soda high in the air, the rest of following suit, cheering loudly.  I looked at everyone in the room with a big grin plastered on my face.

Now that's what I call a happy ending.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

Author's note 📝

I apologise if the ending sucks.

Thank you to every single one of you that manage to make it this far through out the book. It took me two long ass years to complete them because I had a very packed schedule but the quarantine allowed me to spend some extra time on editing and writing this book. It means a lot to me because it is my first wattpad book. It's been an incredible journey, with our girl Kim Ara or Raven Kim.

For the mean time, I'm not prepared to release much contents yet because I have a big exam that will determine my future coming up and I'm still not prepared. The quarantine made me lazy as heck and I haven't properly studied for months. I'll most probably start posting actively after January.

I hope everyone stays safe despite this deadly virus going around ruining lives. Let's all pray and hope for the best to come.
As the saying goes; to see the rainbow, you will need to endure some rain.

Have a great day everyone!
Once again thank you very much!

Update: I got another chapter published after this too hehe and some questions too hehe

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