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Happy New Year. I love y'all and I'm manifesting your success and happiness <3

"What if he doesn't like it?" Omisha bit her lip harshly as the nerves ate away at whatever confidence she previously had.

"Are you kidding me? You look stunning!" Odessa smiled widely as she brushed Omisha's hair behind her ear before placing the finishing touches on her makeup. Looking into the mirror behind her sister, Omisha could hardly believe the woman she saw.

Omisha couldn't hide the glow that now illuminated her skin. Once Winston and Odessa finally tracked down the men responsible for that night at the restaurant, things seemed to die down and they enjoyed a more monotonous life.

It only took a year before Winston and Omisha finalized their joint retirement from hired killing and all things illegal. She still had her shelters and Winston established his own club in the next city. The pair had travelled more than a Christian missionary before settling down with their own home.

"We're here with alcohol!" Tammy, Loraine, and three other women from the shelter came shuffling into the room- their arms filled with clear and dark liquor.

"Jesus Christ." Odessa muttered, shaking her head as she watched them pour shots for everyone. Her hands moved quickly to place a pin in Omisha's hair. "Family heirloom."

"What?" Omisha stuttered as she unconsciously moved her hand to touched the pin.

"It was our grandmother's pin. She wore it on her wedding day and now you will too." She smiled fondly. Omisha felt empty trying to image the warmth of a grandparent, her eyes trailing to the glinting object in the mirror.

"It doesn't feel right. I can't even remember her." Her eyebrows pulled together as she took in her appearance in the large wedding gown.

"She never forgot you." The moment was interrupted as two shot glasses were pushed towards the women.

"Drink up!" Both women gladly downed the harsh liquid before joining the others in finishing their attire.

Omisha hadn't fully convinced herself this was real yet. The idea that she was marrying the same man she'd been tasked to kill never failed to make her chuckle.

It would be a small wedding, considering both she and Winston didn't often make friends, but a wedding filled with unconditional love and loyal nonetheless. They'd rented out a venue on the lake with traditional white and green decor.

"Ladies, we're starting in 10 minutes!" Sudana knocked on the door before entering the room. Immediately her eyes fell to Omisha, a familiar glossy look within them. "My baby."

The tears rushed as the pair embraced and the room cleared. Omisha held her mother closely as she tried to keep herself from sobbing. Part of her often ached for the long held paternal love J had once provided, but Sudana had been quickly filling that hole in her heart.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." The sheer tone of her voice caused the tears to fall down Omisha's face. It wasn't something she often spoke on, but the presence of her mother's unconditional love was something she knew she'd been missing all along. Now that she had her family once again, all seemed right.

"I love you." Omisha muttered into her shoulder.

"I love you too, Omisha."

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