Thirty Two

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Omisha could hardly focus on the movie playing before her. The room was absolutely stunning with a wall filled of windows and soft cream design. Storm clouds brewed over the city and cast the room in a grey light.

Looking up, she watched Thorn's eyes intently focus on the action sequence taking place. They were laid across the bed, both stripped down to their underwear, and their legs remained tangled as she laid her head on his chest.

"Thorn." She whispered to him. His chest rumbled in recognition but his eyes remained glued to the large television screen. "Do you want to have sex?"

His gaze finally broke from the screen and he smiled down at her before laughing lightly, "after the movie."

Omisha let out a groan in annoyance as he went back to the movie. A light bulb went off in her head and she bit her lip as she formulated exactly how she would execute her plan. Peaking back up at him, she made sure his eyes remained on the screen. Omisha faced the screen herself as her finger began to lightly caress his chest. She busied herself with tracing the numerous tattoos, smiling as his skin began to goosebump and his nipples became erect.

"What a shit attack." She muttered, allowing her lips to brush against his skin. His grip on her waist tightened at the action. It took all she had not to smirk. Wiggling from his grip, Omisha scurried to the bathroom. She hurriedly gave herself a hoe bath, checked her breath, and pulled her hair from its messy ponytail. After a struggle with her comb, she managed to get the hair to cooperate and flow softly along her collarbones.

Unfortunately she didn't have any lingerie with her so the mixed matched black bra and lilac panties would have to do. She pushed her tits up and pulled the sides of the panties up a bit more to expose more of her ass. The subtle changes instantly boosted her sex appeal and she was ready to attack.

With a final deep breath, she pulled the door open and sensually swung her hips as she approached the bed. Instead of walking around the side, she climbed into the bed from the bottom- her eyes locked on Thorn's and her back arched.

"What'd I miss?" She chirped as she slid back into bed, her hand purposefully grazing his crotch as she adjusted herself on to his chest. Instead of allowing her to intertwine her leg with his, Thorn grabbed her thigh and brought her leg over his waist so that she straddled him.

"Not a damn thing." He muttered as his hands trailed from her thighs up to her waist. She wanted to shiver at the contact but kept her cool as she leaned over to peck his lips.

"It seemed like it was getting good." The words were offset by her smirk against his lips. The soft caress of his hands continued up her body until both hands cupped her face.

"I'm interested in something a lot better now." Before she could respond, he leaned up to capture her lips. Omisha eagerly kissed him back, her tongue dipping into his mouth to caress his own. She lightly swirled her hips against the growing bulge in his boxers smiling as he groaned into her mouth. The kiss was stopped as he attempted to roll them over, but Omisha quickly pushed against his chest.

"I'm in control this time." She muttered before dipping down to trail kisses along his collarbones. It made her feel even more powerful to see such a strong man crumble beneath her caress. A sharp intake of breath interrupted her as she swirled her tongue around his nipple. "What?"

"Nothing." From the look on his face, she could tell something was up. It only took a couple seconds before she finally pieced it together.

"Have you never had your nipples licked?" She giggled as she ran a finger over the sensitive nub. Thorn immediately grabbed her wrist causing her to look into his eyes.

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