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"Hi my babies!" Omisha cried out as she stumbled into her home, the three animals sprinting to the door to greet her. The furiously waging tails and whines of excitement made her feel loved and she squat down to embrace the three.

"Alright, alright, calm down Chloe and Dax. You're gonna step on Bean!" She grabbed the tiny Chihuahua to keep him from being trampled by the larger, excited dogs. Reaching down, she scratched behind Dax's ear before switching to rub along Chloe's back.

"Glad to have you back." J called as he walked towards the entrance with a drink in hand. She refused to have anyone else care for her animals especially a stranger.

"It's good to be back." Walking further in the home, she wrapped her arms around him. She'd been in physical therapy for the last 7 weeks and had regained full mobility. There were still times when her ankles became sore but she'd just have to continue building their strength.

"I hope you're feeling just as good because I've got a job for you." A sigh left her as she realized it was right back to the job.

"What is it?" Joining him at the kitchen table, she picked up the folder to see all the new intel.

"Pretty big, $15 million. He's a researcher and professor at Harvard university. Lives alone, routine schedule, open to the public." Omisha furrowed her eyebrows as she eyed the man's credentials and habits. Even a million for such a simple job seemed too much, let alone 15.

"Why so much? Seems like an easy job."

"I don't make the prices, I just happily accept them. Get to work." J pat her on the back before moving into the living room- the jingle of dog collars letting her know the dogs had followed him. Sitting at the table, she eyed the man. He was average height, mocha skinned with light brown eyes. The wire frames on his face paired well with the navy blue collared shirt. Omisha couldn't understand why this man was worth $15 million.

The chiming of her phone pulled her from her contemplation.

'I want to see you.'

Thorn had been a territory Omisha was scared to address. They'd been talking more often and she found herself enjoying his company. Of course they still had their brawls but it had shifted recently. Thorn hadn't been hitting her like he used to, often opting to restrain her instead of dishing out the usual flurry of attacks. The softness scared her.

'Busy' she replied before flipping her phone on its face. Looking back at the intel, she continued her scan of the information. If she wanted to, she could complete the job within the next hour, but something didn't seem right.

"Omisha, can you make me some more of those green noodles? They were really good." J yelled from the living room causing her to roll her eyes.

"You need to find a wife, J. I'm sick of feeding and cleaning for you." She sassed as she slipped on her shoes again. The noodles were a South American dish she'd learned to make while there for a hit.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll find a wife once pigs fly." He groaned as he sunk further in the couch and brought his drink to his lips. Omisha opted not to drive and instead called her driver- Oliver.

Oliver was a recent hire after she found herself unable to drive long distances without her ankles becoming incredibly sore. She lazily decided to simply hire someone to drive her around. Oliver was an ex-marine who usually did security jobs but because Omisha was paying him double his usual salary, he agreed to drive her around.

"Hi, Oliver!" She chirped as she climbed into the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

"Hello." The deep grumble didn't match his 5'6, slim athletic build. His low cut hair was covered by a black cap and he was dressed in a simple pair of dark Levi's and a green v-neck.

Targets (bwwm) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now