Fifty Two

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Hey! How y'all doin? *Ms. Juicy Voice*


"Winston! I'm not playing with you. Give it here." Omisha curled her lips as she scolded the man. His hand was held just out of her reach, a teasing smile slapped across his face.

"Come get it, lazy." He laughed as she made another half heart attempt to lean towards him. The stool underneath her tipped and she quickly grabbed the island before she could fall.

Her eyes flickered up to the phone in his hands then down to the floor. She could get up if she wanted but she'd gotten so used to Winston spoiling her, she'd become lazy.

"Baby," she whined as she placed a pouty look on her face hoping he'd give it.

"Nope. Not gonna work. Get up, come on." Waving the device again, he used his other hand to grab her arm. Omisha huffed before slowly getting up, Winston's hand on her arm tightened as he balanced her shaky figure. "Easy. There you go."

"Fuck." She cried as pain shot up her leg once the cast was fully on the ground. The stitching on her shoulder had stopped hurt the day after she'd come home but her leg proved to be a bigger obstacle. Omisha was never one for medicine so she simply endured it.

Sensing her pain, Winston quickly placed the phone down and wrapped his arm around her waist so she could lean on her good leg.

"I got you." He muttered in her ear.

"Get off of me, shithead." Pushing against his chest, Omisha stood on her own- ignoring the pain. He chuckled at her determination before simply watching as she scooped up her phone and hobbled out of the kitchen.

When she finally managed to make it to the living room, she rolled her eyes at the sight of Tommy spread on the couch. She couldn't stand the man.

"Well, hello there Ms. Deluna," he smirked as he stood to approach her, "how's the leg?"

"Fuck off, Tommy." She side stepped his outstretched arms. He knew her dislike for him and was often nice to her when Winston was around so she'd come off as a bitch. Omisha didn't care.

Tommy seemed okay when he'd first been assigned as one of her guards. They stuck to hi and byes but things took a turn for the worst once he'd been assigned inside, overnight shift. The constant sight of his face irritated her and his narcissistic personality did little to help their situation.

"Guys, be nice." Winston called as he entered the living room a moment later. He knew of their fights but also trusted Tommy. Omisha had no doubt Tommy would take a bullet for her just to haunt her in the afterlife spewing tales of how good he was at his job.

"Tell that to Ms. Grumpy over here." Tommy laughed as he stared down at her- his hazel eyes filled with mischief. She hated that he towered over everyone since it only added to his equally giant ego.

Tommy was an immigrant from Italy who'd come illegally with his mother when he was 17. Standing at 6'6 and pure muscle, Tommy often got the last laugh with most enemies. He was handsome with sharp features, plump lips, sun kissed skin, and long black hair that flipped away from his face.

"How about you pack up and go somewhere else, then I won't be grumpy." She sneakily remarked as she shuffled to the couch. Tommy didn't hesitate to grab her arm and gently help her settle on to the couch.

"Well some of us actually have a job to do." He smirked as he leaned over her. Omisha reached up and pulled at a strand of his hair, something she knew he despised.

"Hey!" The smirk disappeared as he smacked her hand away and fixed his hair.

"Winston! Tommy, hit me." She snitched as she held her hand in faux pain.

"Let me see?" Winston stepped closer and held his hand out for hers. He looked closely before softly running his thumb along the back of her hand. "Can you two stop arguing like children?"

"He started it!"
"She started it!"

The pair spoke at the same time. Omisha narrowed her eyes at the teasing look he sent her way.

"You're such a follower." She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to Winston.

"It's what I get paid to do." Tommy chirped up before taking his normal position against the west wall.

Thorn had completely redone the house within the 2 weeks they'd been home. All the windows were bullet proof, there were new rooms created as safety rooms with escape chambers, and even an updated gun storage room. Guards were always on duty inside and outside the house.

Winston and Odessa were working on fixing the issue with the mercenaries while they delegated Omisha to bed rest. It felt nice to be protected for once in such a sensitive situation.

"Are you leaving soon?" Omisha addressed Winston. He had on his usual all black attire that meant he'd be leaving for most of the day.

"Yeah, Odessa's got a new lead we need to look into. I'll let you know what it is once I get back. You and Tommy try to get along, okay?" He laughed lightly as she rolled her eyes at the mention of Tommy.

"No promises." She grumbled before leaning her head up to accept a kiss. The soft pressing of his lips to hers sparked a hunger for more and she wrapped her arm around his neck to keep him pressed against her. She and Winston hadn't had sex in weeks and her body surly couldn't handle it no matter how much she desired him.

"I should go." Winston strained as his hands curled tightly to keep himself from pushing it any further.

"Yeah..." the fleeting whisper was cut off as he smashed his lips to hers. Omisha tried to keep up with the heated kiss but found herself quickly giving in to his possessive caress.

"Guys, I'm still here." Tommy coughed at the couples exchange.

"Then get out." Omisha dismissed as she'd made up her mind. She didn't care if it would hurt her later, she had to have him.

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