Thirty Seven

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"Ms. Yates, how are you feeling this morning?" Omisha turned her head at the familiar sound of her doctors voice. The woman was around the same shade as Omisha with thick lashes, a button nose, and full brown lips. Her hair always remained in a sleek bun and the white coat did little to hide her full figure.

"I'm good. The pain's died down to a manageable level and I've been getting better at walking on my own." To prove her point, she walked back to the bed from her position at the window.

"I'm glad to hear that!" The woman flashed a white smile at her before washing her hands. Omisha slid into the bed knowing she was due to have her bandages taken off today. She'd been in the hospital for the last 12 days slowly recovering and talking with police. "Let's see how your healing."

After putting on a pair of gloves, the women helped lift Omisha's sweatshirt from her torso. They'd found out that she didn't have any fractures or breaks so the cast was replaced with soft bandaging. Taking a pair of scissors, the bandages were cut and cool air rushed across her back. Omisha made sure to hold the front end up against her chest.

"You're healing wonderfully! We might even be able to get these sutures out today." Her fingers gently ran across the multiple lines of stitches. When Jeremiah slammed her into the window multiple shards of glass became embedded in her back.

"Good. The sooner I can heal up the better." Omisha had a lot to handle. First, she needed to figure out Jeremiah's connection to Thorn and who Jeremiah was working for. Then, she needed to figure out who tipped them off to she and Thorn's relationship. Lastly, she needed to handle the situation.

Omisha knew she'd have to start training again before she could actually do anything. The fight with Jeremiah proved she'd gotten too comfortable with normal living. Those days were gone now. A knock at the door interrupted both of the women's thinking.

"Wait a minute!" Her doctor yelled as she helped Omisha pull the sweatshirt back over her head. Once the material was back on, the woman headed to the door as she removed her gloves. "Who is it?"

Despite her question, she opened the door before anyone answered. Oliver and Thorn stood at the door both holding opposite expressions- Oliver's face set in a bright smile while Thorn glared at the woman.

"Hey, Dr. Green. How's our girl healing up?" Oliver asked the woman although he peeked around her shoulder to wink at Omisha. The woman let the men inside before going to wash her hands again.

"She's healing up just fine. We should be able to remove her sutures sooner than we originally thought." Dr. Green turned the water off and shot Omisha a smile.

"She gets it from me." Oliver plopped on the bed beside Omisha and pushed a bag in to her arms.

"Got what from you?" A scoff left Omisha as she dug inside the bag to find more of her clothing. Thankfully it was all pieces of soft material that she could easily get in to.

"Those magic healing powers, of course. Hey, Doc?" He called before she could leave the room. Omisha could clearly tell them woman was annoyed but the professional smile on her face remained. "Can she have alcohol?"

Omisha hid her laughter in her elbow as Dr. Green placed her hands on her hips to look at Oliver like he was crazy. The pair had discussed having a drink once she was fully healed- lord knows Omisha needed it.

"No, she cannot have alcohol right now. Omisha you are still on medication that will react negatively with alcohol." Dr. Green moved her eyes from Oliver and eyed Omisha to make sure she understood. Omisha nodded to the woman with a smile.

"And," she turned to Thorn who stood silently watching, "keep...extracurricular a minimum."

Heat crept up Omisha's neck and traveled to her face so fast she could only put her head down so no one else noticed it. Unfortunately, Dr. Green had caught Thorn between Omisha's legs on more than one occasion during their late night visits. Even in a cast that wrapped around half her torso, she just couldn't curb her hunger for the man.

"Yes, ma'am." Thorn nodded, his face set in a stale expression although Omisha could see the slight red creeping up his neck as well. His eyes flickered over to Omisha and she slightly dipped her head down to hide her smile. There was a twinkle of laughter in his eyes before he too dipped his head down.

Dr. Green shot the couple one last look before exiting the room with a farewell. Oliver leaned over to pull a folder from his waistband.

"We've got copies of the crime scene photos and reports. They're gonna label it self defense especially considering Jeremiah's got a lengthy criminal record." He passed her the folder and Omisha winced as she saw the busted window and dented hood of the cars she'd been thrown into.

"We're gonna figure out why he was after you." Oliver placed a comforting hand around her wrist, his thumb stroking her skin. Unconsciously, Omisha's eyes moved up to Thorn. Confusion swept across his face before his expression softened and regret filled his eyes.

"Oliver, get out." Oliver gave her wrist one more squeeze before leaving the room, knowing better than to question Thorn's command.

"How are you feeling?" Thorn's voice was a lot softer and he now stood over her. His hand softly caressed her cheek before he used his knuckle to lift her face up at him.

"Exhausted." She replied honestly as she blew out a breath. Leaning down, he laid kisses to her forehead, across her nose, and then softly laid his lips on hers. Omisha reached up to wrap an arm around his neck as his lips softly caressed her own. He pulled away from the kiss slowly and Omisha nearly whimpered at the loss of contact.

"We can handle this together or I can take care of it for you. Anything you want, I'll get it done." The whisper on her lips let her know he was just as ready to figure this out as she was. She'd only told Thorn that Jeremiah was after her because she was connected to Thorn. He was the only one she could actually trust for now.

"We'll handle it." She nodded more to herself then him. It would be a lie to say she wasn't nervous. She'd never had anyone actively seek her out.

"Look at me." Thorn made her look at him- there was a look of determination in his eyes.

"Everything is going to be fine. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise." Omisha could tell from the intensity in his eyes that he was being honest. It brought her some comfort to know that she had someone on her side.

"You're right." She nodded before leaning up to peck his lips again. Being in his presence made her feel safe no matter what was happening but Omisha knew she wouldn't always be around him.

She had to get back to her roots. 

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