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After hours of endless paddling, screaming for help, and crying Omisha slumped back into the raft- the sad reality of her situation eating her alive. Darkness had fallen over her and the ocean was now a black mass begging for her to succumb to its depths.

Her mind went wild with thoughts of giant sharks swallowing her raft whole. Thoughts of creatures swimming from the depths of the ocean to come eat her alive. However, the most plausible thoughts were the ones that shook her to the core- starvation, hypothermia, dehydration.

Closing her eyes, she tried to sleep away some time hoping to wake up safely on her jet once again.

"Is she alive?"
"Looks like it."

Omisha jumped from her sleep at the sound of voices around her. A bright light blinded her and she hurriedly jumped from the raft. The cold ocean welcomed her and she swam under the raft waiting for a rain of bullets. When her body could no longer hold out she swam to the surface and took a deep breath.

"Ms. Ida. It's the coast guard! We're here to help you. You have nothing to be fearful of but we need to get you out of the water before you become hypothermic." A strong voice called through a megaphone and Omisha peaked over the raft. Even in the dark of night she could see the blue coast guard label against the white boat.

Hurriedly, she swam towards the boat and extended her hand to the men. As they pulled her inside, tears of joy fell down her face. She wanted to sob as a warm blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and a water bottle was produced before her.

"D-did you find my flight attendant? She was on a raft too." She stuttered out after gulping down half of her water. Although the liquid helped, her throat was still raw from her hours of screaming.

"No ma'am. I'm sorry. We're sending a chopper in the morning to search for her and your pilot." One of the men stared at her sympathetically as the board soared through the dark sea.

Omisha bowed her head, praying for the woman's safe recovery- doubting that God would be listening to a woman like her. It seemed ironic that someone like her would be the one to survive such a horrific event. She vowed she'd make sure their families would never want for anything again for as long as she lived.

"Just try to relax. There's nothing you could have done to change how things went." She smiled slightly as an officer rubbed her shoulder in reassurance. Looking across the ocean, chills ran down her spine as it was put into perspective just how far out she was. With the boat moving this fast, it still would take them hours to get back to shore- she couldn't image getting to land with a raft.

"We have a team ready to get you to a hospital. Watch your step." Stepping on to dry land had never felt more amazing to Omisha, despite the sting in her ankles. The sun had risen and shined brightly over the dock as people flocked to see what the coast guard had brought in. A cry escaped her as she finally put all her weight on her feet- pain shooting from her ankles up her spine.

"Easy, easy. You probably broke your ankles when you hit the water." One of the men placed their arms around her as he lifted her into his arms. Even as her feet hung in the arm, pain radiated from them and caused her to bite down on her lip.

"Keep your head down and try to block it out." The man pulled the blanket further over her head as they approached the main dock. People began recording, new stations shoved cameras towards her, and cameras flashed as they took photos of her.

"Move! Move! Everybody get back!" Multiple police officers shoved at the crowds to make a path for them. Omisha felt her head spin as voices threw questions her way, her brain unable to decipher what was being said. When they finally broke through the crowd, an ambulance sat at the entrance- it's door already open for them.

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